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Age when it happend: 8
Where it happened: new bedford
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

being gay in the usa
i know i was gay at age of 8 but didn.t know want it is all i know that i like my friends alot more then most kids did .they say that god hates gays but god does not hate only people hate .we all laugh at gay people make there life i liveing hell why do we do this .years ago we dod the same to black people or jews why i ask you .why do make war and spend all the money tanks guns to kill people why i ask you .some day when we are all gone and it the year 3000/they will look back on us like cave man why don t we all learn to love each other now .save alot time and stop hateing its whong

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