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Age when it happend: 12
Where it happened: school
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

The Lesson I Learned

Sure, I’d thought about it before. Hell, as a youngster, from the time I was old enough to appreciate the pleasures of getting my dick hard, sticking things up my ass, I’d even gotten down with it not just a few times. ‘Show you mine, show me yours’, touch it, lick it, put it in each other’s mouths…hump the crack of my ass, stick my finger up yours. ‘Let’s play tied up and rubbing dicks’, take pictures of ourselves, strip poker with the older boys…man, when I was 10 and my best friends big brother was 15, I was hypnotized by the sight of his huge dangling cock, hairy and saggy, long as the magnifying bottom of the jelly-jar of kool-aid he dunked it in for me to drink on a bet I was anxious to oblige. By the time I was out of elementary, I’d done everything except get fucked in the ass. And none of it was gay. Not even a little farther on, like the day when I held and aimed my 1st pot smoking buddies dick while he pee’ed back
in seventh grade, shook him off against my lips and sucked him until he twitched and throbbed and filled my mouth. I put him down my throat and worked out his pre-cum with my swollen tongue, used my mouth to jack him off until the boy’s room door swooshed open and I had to raise my legs, feet braced against the stall, my balls snagged in the teeth of my open zipper. He’d gone limp in my mouth while we waited out the janitor who’d come in to take a piss, change trashbags, run an astringent mop down the middle of the floor. He’d noticed Chris’s Reeboks under the door (no doubt the 29/32 width and length patch on the right cheek of his crumpled down jeans too, bleach-white jockeys piled inside—maybe even me through the ¼ inch gaps on either side of door, sitting there with my dick flopped out, legs hiked around Chris’s tight blonde ass, the soles of my sneakers stuck against the jams with a fat, hitching cock glistening in my mouth).

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience