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Where it happened: us
Langauge: English
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I met my current wife, aiswarya when i . Our parents arrenged our engagement so that we would get married after he finished his schooling. When i met him, i thought that he was atractive, and i liked his personality alot. He went to college and became a doctor, a pediatrician to be factual. As time grew near, i grew eager waiting for our marriage to arrive. The year before our arranged wedding, my mother and i started planning a rather large ceremony. We booked many atractions ranging from an elephant to carry me and later my husband to rather large unusual indian birds. it would be a spectacular event. Finally after much anticipation, the day arrived. IT was just what i imagined, with the addition of lots and lots of nervousness and eagerness. We hardley knew each other… on a personal basis that is. we knew all about each others lives but rarely were we given the change to talk and talk for days or spend time together, as it is uncustomary for indian engagements. well after the wedding, which is a whole entire story upon its own, we boared an airlinder to India. we talked the whole way, with out any sleep. we were both nervous, it was obvious. and we both had a sense that we lost something, but at the same time, gained something entirely new and .. different..but a good different. we finaly arived in Delhi, where his parents had been born, our destination for our honey moon. when we arrived at the small but elegant house we rented for one month, are nervousness had grown larger. we were aware that this was our time to make love, and were anxious and scared to do it. he carried me to the bedroom, where two glasses and a bottle of chapagne awaited. we both had a glass and then i went to the bathroom to slip into a nightgown, meanwhile he striped to his boxers and put on a robe. when i came out, he had a slight erection, we kissed. our first kiss! i took off my clothes and then took off his. he began to kiss my breasts, and then i told him to make love with me. He slowly slid in his 5 inch penis and it hurt, alot. i told him to go slower, and he did. after a few minutes, he was fully inside of me, it felt different, good but it hurt. he then began to go in and out, i screamed and yelled slowly it hurts, and again he did. after 5 or 6 minutes, he came inside of me. and lifted out his penis, i cried. it wasnt at all what i expected. it hurt so much, and i bled all over the sheets. i wasnt ready for this i thought. the next morning we had sex again and it felt bettter. our sex got better the more we did it, we had sex almost everyday that month. and near the end of the month it was feeling good. i was proud. we was lasting longer, and it wasnt hurting anymore. to this day i have never experienced an orgasm, to some that may sound horrible, but i am fine with it. i love my husband and he loves me. thats all i could ever hope for, and to top it off, we have sex about once a week.

so to the few of you who still are virgins, dont expect the first time to feel wonderful, chances are it wont, in fact it will hurt. wait a while and do it some more, once you get used to it, it will begin to feel good. thats my advice, but then again to many i am still a novice at making love.


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