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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: high school locker room
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Through all of my life i knew i was different i didnt looked at girls the same way other guys did.I mean i liked girls but i also liked guys i was bisexual but i never told anyone only my closest friend.Since no one knew about my sexuality i wasnt sexualy active which made me thirsty for guys.Ive always liked my all my male teachers it so happends that almost everyone of them was good looking but specially my pe teacher coach fennicks oh my he was 30 years odl of pure muscular and facial beauty.I was crushing on him ever since i saw him my freshmen and to sleep with him to seemed harder than becoming president of the united states it only seemed like a dream because first he wouldn’t break the law second i just couldtn happend and third he was straight football macho men.Or that was what i thought he was,one day finishing pe classes when everybody had left i was on the locker room taking a shower naked and on the next shower was coach the only thin that separated us was a thin curtain runnig down the shower my soap feell to the floor and it slipped further to the are of where the coach was i cross the curtain and said sorry my soap and he said its ok i couldnt help but glancing at his bid dick it was yummy was he wasn’t hard but for an unerected penis his was pretty big,i guess he caught looking at it and said a few seconds later you liked my penis laguin making it seemed like a joke and i would not dare tell him yes so i said laguing haha you have a small penis, and he said well let me yours how big of a penis it is?… i was dying of shyness my hadns were shacking and i went over ot where he was and showed it to him i had a very discent sized penis and when he looked at it he grabed it in his hands many thoughts were runnig through my mind when he did that.. is he gay? umm does he want me? what is happening it was like the impossible was possible he then reached to my lips and started kissing me slowly and letting go of my penis he hugged me and grabing my ass and kissng me faster and with tounge it was the greates feeling i had ever felt his penis was touching mine and suddenly the two were becoming erected.He then asked me if i wanted to suck his cock and i and i was still kindy shy so i started off at his nipples and slowly kissing his whole body and working my way into his belly button and down to the bick cock whic i grabbed wildly and sucked it with such desperation as if it was the last lollipop on earth i felt him moning and screamin oh ohh fuck yeah his words truned me on even more more after a few shorts minutes he told me to lay on the wet shower floor with the water still runnig he started sucking my dick and then working his way down to my butthole as he sucked my butthole it fell like heaven i was graving his hair so har and monig it was amazing feeling my ass got so opened to the point he stuck his tounge in and out then he grabbed his and softly stuck it in it didn’t took very long and not a lot of pain since my ass was already relax and with siliva all over it he went in an out softer at first and then it got very hard and and i was yelling faster fuck me fuck me please although he was wet i could see the drops of sweat on his forehead and on his body.He fucked me ass as i gently massage his abs and reached his butt cheeck so roundy so good we both came on the same time he came inside me uiih that that white liquid felt so good inside and i came on my stomach.He then left his dick inside my ass a little longer untill it was dead and he took out, we then did the 69 i suck my butt i sucked his deade dick talkign out all the sperm that was left i was obssesed with his dick and he was with my ass he couldn’t stop biting it and scuking on it i then sucked his muscular roundy ass very sexy and we fell a sleep on top of each other for hours that day was unforgattable i will never forget that was my perfect men

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