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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Pool
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

(9:45:56 PM) You: so i was swimming at local pool
(9:45:58 PM) You: as you do
(9:46:10 PM) You: and it was pretty late
(9:46:15 PM) You: and they were about to close
(9:46:26 PM) You: and it was just me, a friend and a couple of girls i dont know
(9:46:43 PM) You: and i was standing up to do a dive and one of the girls walks past and strokes my chest lol
(9:46:51 PM) You: so im like um wtf 😮 and fall into water
(9:46:57 PM) You: and they all giggle like bitches
(9:47:07 PM) You: and um
(9:47:17 PM) You: lol i hate telling stories 🙁
(9:47:20 PM) Censored: keep going
(9:47:27 PM) You: it feels like rape
(9:47:28 PM) You: anyway
(9:47:53 PM) You: so um i was going into changing room, but the same girl comes past and shes like, “hey you got a girlfriend?”
(9:47:59 PM) You: and im like “uh no, sorry”
(9:48:10 PM) You: and shes all like “well, want to have some fun then?”
(9:48:21 PM) You: and i turn to my friend and hes like nodding and shit and im all omg
(9:48:37 PM) You: and i didnt want to because shes clearly a total whore
(9:48:44 PM) You: or was she, i dunno
(9:49:00 PM) You: but um, then we go into the girls changing room
(9:49:07 PM) You: and nobodys there except us
(9:49:22 PM) You: and shes all like, lol you’re pretty fit to not have a girlfriend
(9:49:27 PM) You: and im like rly omg now
(9:49:48 PM) Censored: it sounds hot
(9:50:17 PM) Censored: keep going 🙁
(9:50:32 PM) You: um
(9:50:46 PM) You: well then shes like how’d you get that cute chest
(9:50:53 PM) You: and i was like, well i guess i swim alot i guess
(9:51:20 PM) You: and then she’s like “mind if i see you naked?”
(9:51:25 PM) You: and i was like “no way”
(9:51:32 PM) You: i mean, yeah i do mind, by that
(9:51:39 PM) You: because like, shes a random strange
(9:51:51 PM) You: and then shes like oh go on, nobody else is here
(9:51:58 PM) You: and i say “but i dont even know you!”
(9:52:09 PM) You: and then she says “then lets get to know eachother a little better”
(9:52:20 PM) You: and i remember thinking at the time “lol how many porn flicks has she watched?!”
(9:52:28 PM) You: becaue it was like something you’d see in a porn flick
(9:52:32 PM) You: not that i’d know
(9:52:39 PM) You: but um
(9:52:47 PM) You: then she starts putting her tounge in my mouth
(9:52:55 PM) You: and i wished i hadnt had tacos for dinner
(9:53:05 PM) Censored: haha
(9:53:06 PM) You: because it must have tasted awful
(9:53:17 PM) You: but she had been eating candy or something
(9:53:23 PM) You: gross xD
(9:53:44 PM) You: er anyway, then she just pushes me back onto the towl im sitting on
(9:53:46 PM) You: towel
(9:53:59 PM) You: and then um, yeah
(9:54:02 PM) You: does it
(9:55:11 PM) You: she was pretty good
(9:55:26 PM) You: and i was about to you know er
(9:55:29 PM) You: that thing you do
(9:55:35 PM) Censored: opposite of go?
(9:55:40 PM) You: no like um
(9:55:47 PM) You: blow
(9:55:50 PM) Censored: lol..
(9:55:56 PM) Censored: what then 😮
(9:56:11 PM) You: and i said
(9:56:18 PM) You: “you might want to stop now”
(9:56:25 PM) You: all polite xD
(9:56:35 PM) You: and she just looked at me with smile and shook her head
(9:56:42 PM) You: and i was like omg no way thats fucking gross
(9:56:53 PM) You: but uh, then yeah
(9:56:54 PM) You: she did
(9:56:56 PM) You: and
(9:57:03 PM) You: basically
(9:57:31 PM) You: i think she wanted me to do the whole finger thing for her, but i was like “to be honest i dont rly want to put my fingers in there”
(9:57:38 PM) Censored: lol…
(9:57:42 PM) You: and said i really had to be going
(9:57:57 PM) You: and then said thanks xD and she was like “see you next time”
(9:58:08 PM) You: and i was like omg did that really happen or did i drown

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