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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: In The Snow
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was my junior year of high school, he was a new kid and i had never had many friends. We started talking at school and meeting up between classes. One day he asked me if i had a boyfriend i told him no and he asked me to go out with him. i told him yes and we started meeting up after school as well. after about 2 weeks i found out that his parents hated me and told him that he had to dump me, of course neither of us wanted this so we still met up at school sneeking out of classes at the same time to meet up and make out for a few minutes. one day he asked me if i could sneak out at night and go to his house so we could have some time alone together. i told him yes no problem so that i went to his house at 2 am and he climed out his bedroom window to meet me we sat there under his bedroom window for a while just talking then we started kissing he was rubbing my brest through my shirt. It was winter and there was snow on the ground so i took off my jacket and shirt to lay them on the ground benieth us. I could tell he was hard so as he was rubbing my brest and making his way down my body i took out his hard cock and started rubbing it. at this point we wernt even talking anymore just moving. next thing i know we are both completely naked and he was on top of me, sliding his hard cock into my wet pussy. i must tell you that the felling is something i will never forget the freezing cold benieth me and our bodies heating eachother. at first he went slow so as not to hurt me but then he was moving faster and faster. i had to bite my lip so as not to scream with pleasure (i was afraid we would wake his parents) then all of the sudden i started cumming as soon he felt my pussy pulsating with pleasure he started cumming too. after that we layed in the snow for a while talking and kissing. finally when the sun started to come up we decided he better go back inside before his parents woke up. after that night we met a few more times before im sure his parents figured it out because shortly after they up and moved and i havent seen him sence. he is deffinately the one i wont forget.

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