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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Girlfriends house
Langauge: english
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was the middle of June I was 16 and had just got a job making good money on a farm 30 miles away from my house. It was time for me to rake hay and it gets too hot some times. This was also a time that I got back into drugs; it just makes the job easyer I guess.
I can home at about 6:00 and I was really messed up on percaset that I bought earlier that day. I thought that I would chill with some of my friend, because it is never fun to stay at home when you are high. I called some friends and I never got a hold of anybody exscept my girlfriend. She said I could come over so I did so. It was me and her and we where dating for about three months. Her dad was out side mowing the lawn and we were inside her house watching porn, a popular past time for us. It was one of those cheesey Ron Geremy porns and we were making fun of it. At that point I convensed her to take some hydrocodone and chill with me we both took four and I took more percaset with out her knowing. We started wrestling and listened to a mix cd and we ended up kissing and futhermore touching eachother. We ended up getting naked and then I asked her if she really wanted to do it this way. and she looked at me and said yes I wouldn’t have gone this far if I didn’t. In me asking that question it was for my hopes to say no because I felt I was too messed up for my first time. So I continued and tried to but my self inside of her I was having too much trouble so I desided that unfumilliar foreplay would be appropriate. by that time the meds hit me harder than ever. Then she said enough and stuck myself inside of her and it took for ever I had a hard enough time getting and erection and kepping that was just as hard. I finally came after about an hour of constant effort and continually sweating I finished. afterward I was ashamed that I was so Fucked up my first time.

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