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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: His house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I regret my first time so much. I was 18 and still very much in love with my ex. we had a very bad breakup but because we hung out with the same people a year later we agreed to put it behind us. We still fooled around often when we were drunk, but nothing ever came out of it to my dismay. He always said he wanted to have sex, but I was never ready and would always leave him dissapointed. The end of the summer I left for college. I went home one weekend to see my old friends, and of course him. I stopped by his house where we just sat around and smoked a couple ciggaretts. Later, we went out to dinner with his father and step mother. After dinner he wanted dessert and no not the food kind. We went out to my truck where we sat awkwardly. I was extreamly horny due to not fooling around with many guys in college, so for once he was excited to see I was making the first moves. His mother lived accross the street and my luck she was out of town so we headed over there. Things started heating up and I slowed it down a little by saying a was at the end of my period… that was a lie, I stopped the night before. It then hit me. I thought I was ready. I told him I was done with my period but he didn’t want to, he was tired. He said he wanted to wait until tomorrow but I wouldn’t let him. I told him it was either now or not at all. He spun me around and started slipping my clothes off. Laying on his couch I started to panick. I didn’t want any of this but it was too late, i couldn’t say no now. He put it in and the pain was unbelievable. I grabbed the couch to try and channel the pain another place. When he was done we walked outside. He gave me a brief hug goodbye and a slapped on the ass, like he was saying good game or something. I got into the truck and broke down, I couldn’t believe it. I lost it to the one guy I promised myself I would never sleep with. I still have feelings for him and am trying to find a guy to take my heart away from him.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience