Where it happened: Drive In Movie
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
This is a true story the year is 1968. Jane and I, both virgins, were both 17 years old on the night of our first time. We had been dating about a year. So sitting in the back seat of a green Ford Falcon on the back row of a local drive in theater and after a hour of foreplay, Jane tells me she ready to try for me to enter her. So wearing the lubed condom I had carried in my billfold for about 10 months on the largest erection I had ever had in my life I lay down in the seat and she gets on top. I was awear that her mother had never let her use tampons so we knew enter was not going to be easy as I was never able to get a second finger inside her vigina. She takes my penis in her hand and guides it to her vaginal opening and lowers herself down. After a few minutes we can only get the head inside her. Janes says to me she has gotten this far she she is not stopping till she feels the entire lenght of my penis inside her. She bends her knees and puts weight on my penis and the end of the condom breaks and now she has it all inside her. She just sets there crying it hurt her so bad for a minute refusing to left of my shaft. When she tells me she is not hurting I start fingering her clit but when her vigina starts qivering around my shaft I can’t hold back any longer and cum inside her with the biggest load I have ever unleashed before in my life. She was sitting on me crying because now she knew she was full my sperm and she is afraid she was going to get pg. She gets up and puts my underwear between her legs pulls up her pants and goes to the restroom. Jane came back to the car put her panties back on told me to take her home. The next morning her mother found her bloody and cum stained panties. Her mother forbid her from dating me again. We still spoke to each other during school and both finished school and went our seperate ways.