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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: My house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were both in our final year at school and had been together for about three months. This was a Games afternoon and we ‘bunked off’ back to his house for some time alone. we had not had full sex but several times we had almost done it. More than once we had ben alone and stripped to pants and knickers but were afraid of pregnancy. This time we were going to be alone for hours and well we started to kiss and caress and then went to my bedroom, soon we were both stripped to our underwear, he was stroking and then sucking my nipples, and I was stroking his penis and I could feel myself slipping further and further towards the inevitable. My knickers were soaked , partly with my arousal and I’d peed myself a bit in excitement. I kept thinking I must stop, we haven’t any protection. Then I felt myself lift my bum so he could slip my knickers down and then I guided his penis inside me, and that was it, I thought we could do that and stop. Wrong! we went on and on and on. It was so good. I have to say it has got better as we are still together.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience