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Jason and Derrick

Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: Friend's place
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

When I was younger, there was an older guy that I knew and sometimes I would go over to his house. He was pretty cool and had some girlie magazines that he would let me look through. He would sit there with me, and we would peruse the pages, commenting on what we saw.
One day, while we were doing that, I picked up a magazine that feautured nude guys. I was a little surprised, not expecting that. He just shrugged and said how sometimes it was nice to be admiring of the male form. I started to flip through the magazine, a little curious. There were all these naked guys and more than a few of them having sizeable erections together, although there was nothing more sexual than just that. I found that sort of exciting to be able to view that from a male perspective, and obviously he had no problem with enjoying the pictures, too.
After a while he commented on how it was sort of nice for two guys to be relaxed about stuff like that together, and he asked me if I had ever been naked with any of my guy friends. I told him that I never had been, not like that, anyway. Then he asked me if maybe I felt like having my clothes off with him. It sounded sort of like fun to me, and I shyly said that I wouldn’t mind trying it.
So we went ahead and got naked right there in his living room. It was sort of fun and daring. As we sat there, he started to get an erection. His penis just pushed right on up, as big as any that I had seen in the magazine. He grinned proudly. Suddenly I was getting an erection, too. I felt a little self-conscious, but he told me how nice I looked being naked and having one like that. I shyly returned the compliment. Happily he said, why don’y we give each a little feel? I went along with it, and we sat there handling each other’s boner. Even as shy as I was about doing this with another guy, it really felt good. And he was so relaxed and calm about it, that it was easy for me to feel the same way. We did this for maybe ten minutes when I realized that it was getting late and that I had to go. I got dressed and he said that maybe we could do this together again sometime.
The next week I went back over to his house and we were both all grins about our private moment. He asked me if I felt like doing that some more. It was fine with me, so we both got naked and wasted no time it getting an erection. We did a friendly, naked embrace, and we sat down on the sofa and started handling each other. Neither of us wanted to get it over with too quickly, so we took our time and made each other as excited as we could until we could longer stand it. Finally we both came and it was terrific!
This was something that I started doing with him almost every week. We’d get together, get naked, and jack each other off. For the next few weeks this became a regular thing for us. We started too feel pretty comfortable with one another and pretty friendly. We did a few small, friedly-type of kisses and enjoyed having these affectionate moments together. Then he finally said that he really wouldn’t fucking me. I was unsure about that, but I told that he could if he wanted. He put a condom on, had me lay on my back, pulled my legs up around his hips, and he slid his penis into me. I was amazed by how easy it was to be doing this with another guy and I loved it!
I had never imagined myself ever doing anything homosexual with another guy in my entire life. But once I tried it, at least with him, I really liked it. The two of us had a friendly love affair that last all that next year until I moved away.

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