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Jay & Me

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: his room
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

I went down my dads one summer & i met this boy names Jay. We started out as hateing each other. He was Black & I am wight, and all he had was race jokes. I got so sick of him so I told my father. My dad went to tak to his parents & they soon became friends. So that ment that me and Jay had to be friends to. My dad thought that we hate each other .. so he leaft us alone a Jays house wile they wen out to play music one night. Me and Jay sat at opposite end of the coutch and I caught him glanceing at me every now and then. I rolled my eyes and watched the movie. The whole room was dark & because he was wearng black I could hardly even see him. I dozed of after a wile and when I woke up I heard a faint noise from his bed room. I looked at the only thing giveing light in the living room and the time was 12:07 am. It was so dark I almost fell. I was scared though so I moved fast. I remebered where Jays mom said that I should sleep… the only thing was se didn’t tell me it was TOP bunk bed not BOTTOM. I felt around the room and i started to hear the noise again. It was Jay… he was mastrbasteing under his covers… I was to tired to think so I slid off my jeans and crawled into bed. I though that he was on the top bunk but I felt him wrap his arm around me. I gasped loud. He covered my mouth and he started to rub his hard dick aginst my thigh. I shivered and listen to him. He told me tha he was sorry for all the jokes that he had said to me & hoped that we could be… ‘friends.. realy good friends’? I was so scared that I didn’t know what to say. So i sayed qwite. I felt him rub his 8 inch dick by my vagina. He rubed it faser and faster. I begain to bretah heavy. I was scared. then all of a sudden he fliped me on my stumuck and got above me. He took my underwear off of me and shoved his penis into my ass. i screamed because it hurt so much. I told him to stop and I begged him to but he kept kissing my back and gripping my thigh. as he pushed deeper i was being filled with a warm constant flow of cum. I felt it sliding everywhere all inside me and driping out. I heard Jay moan and say ‘Yes, your so good’. after a wile on constant cum flowing evey where inside and out of me i begain to feel pleasure. I started to push depper and i felt him shoot more cum inside me. I heard him say that he’s never felt this good. after a wile on moaning and panting from us both i asked him why he did this to me. he looked at me and looked like he was about to cry. “I’m so sorry,” he said,”I can’t help myself.. i heard what I wanted to.” I started to cry. Jay wraped his arms around me. “I’m so sorry.” I got up fast and ran to the bath room I wiped my self clean and then crawled back into bed. Jay was asleep and i kissed his forhead good night. I don’t hold a grude aginst Jay. he was my first real sexual pleasure and i can say that i wanted it as much as he did. And the ony reason I forgave him was because he said sorry… me and jay had many sexual incounters after that, but now we are far away from each other and i’m sad to say that I’ll never see him again.

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