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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: Her Car
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

I had just turned 16 and gotten a job at the local fast food restaurant (the one with the big yellow M). I needed cash to pay for my first car. Since I had no car, I had to borrow my Mom’s car to go to work. Sometimes, if she needed the car I would ride with a coworker.

One of these fellow fry cooks was a girl named Tara. Tara was pretty, not supermodel or anything, but a nice face. Plus, a super fine ass. Did I mention how nice her ass looked?

Well, one day on the way home from work, we were talking about goals and stuff. She asked me what I most wanted to accomplish that year, and I told her I wanted to loose my virginity.

I believe her words were something like “hell, let’s just find a place to park and help you meet that goal right now.” I couldn’t believe what I just heard.

About 5 minutes later, we were parked off on a dirt road and were in her back seat with our pants off. I wish I could say we did it for hours there, but being my first time, it was more like 2 minutes or so.

Needless to say, as much as I loved driving, I really looked forward to the days I had to catch a ride home with her. We never officially went on a date or anything – just stayed casual sex buddies til she went to college.

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