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jaz &+ jay.

Where it happened: his house.
Langauge: english.
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

this is what i would classify my FIRST TIME:
it was about a month ago.
with a boy that i have known since 2nd grade.
thats about 11 years. we had always been crushing on eachother but, we had always had boyfriends/girlfriends. then in 10th grade we started talking. we were basically going out but never made it official. [undercover lol] so i went to his house “to watch a movie” to my suprise the movie was hostel. which has about a hours worth of porn it it. i had fell asleep. but ending up laying on his “spot” yeahh i know. he was still watching the movie. i did not noticewhere i was laying.
when i began to turn my head.
it looked like i was sucking him off.
he’s still watching the movie.
and all i feel is something hard on the side of my face.
i didnt know that it was his wee wee getting hard as wood.
all of a sudden i jumped up.
he guided me towards his room.
and he began making gestures. rubbing on my legs. kissing me. and just beggining to lay be down.
he slowly tore off my clothes and i began to give in to him. considering the fact he was sooo HOTT!
we had some really passionate sex for about a hour.
it was the BEST time i’ve ever had. its feels like nothing you;ve ever felt befor. I LOVED EVERY BIT OF IT.
now we are OFFICIAL dating.
and are focusing on our education before sex.
we havent really made love to eachother.
but we cuddle and are just taking it one step at a time.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience