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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: At a friend's house
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was with my crush. I had it bad for Jeremy, and it took me quite some time to tell him this. So, it was a saturday night, and my friend Ashley had her boyfriend Clayton, Jeremy and I over to sleep over. Her parents were quite the alcoholics, and by the time we all had gotten there, they were knocked out. We played pool and watched The Ring (thats a scary ass movie) Ashley was getting snug with Clayton, and I was scared by the movie, comforted by Jeremy. As the night went on, Ashley hinted to me for “alone time” and Clayton was pulled out of site into her room, door slammed and locked. So Jeremy and I played video games for a long time, and I was getting tired. My bag was in Ashley’s room, so i went over to the door to hear some not appropriate things going on. This cracked jeremy and I up to the point where we were rolling on the floor. And he kissed me. I was astounded, because no time before had he hinted anything. None the less, i was so happy. We continued to kiss for quite some time and he was getting ancy, so we moved back onto the couch and continued to kiss. I was on the pill by the age of 14, so it didnt matter, so far in my mind. He started to pull at my shirt, but im a very shy person so i said no to that. He took his shirt and pants off along with my pants. I didnt feel completely comfortable with doing this, but I loved him so I let him. Slowly he entered, and broke my hymen (which hurt alot) Then he picked up the pace, the whole time we were passionately kissing. This lasted for about 30 minutes. That half hour was bliss. After he came, we cleaned ourselves up and sat on the couch cuddling. We played more video games, waiting for Ashley and Clayton to come out. When Clayton came out, he had a huge ass grin, and Jeremy grinned back. Ashley walked out behind him with this happy smile, and i smiled back.

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