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Age when it happend: 18
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was my first Job, i had just graduated from school. it was at a small little drive in diner, and i had wanted to work there for a long time, but since i lived out in the country, i didnt have the transpertation to get there. But then, my parents gave me a little junk yard car for my graduation. Dont get me wrong, i’m not dissing it, i was thrilled to have it at the time, and i still have fond memories of it. Anyways.
So there was this guy at work that i really liked, but i was ashamed to admit it. he was 25, i was 18. he wasnt what you could classify as typical goodlooking, but for some reason, i was drawn to him. I wanted him. But i knew (or thought) That he didnt want me. I had major self-esteem issues. Still do.
Ayways, so he ended up having to mop at the end of the night, and i was the last one to leave before him. SO i signed out and opened the door.
“Bye John.” I said. “Bye, Shortie.” He said. He always called me that, since i’m a measly five foot one.
I opened the door, and left, leaving him all to his lonesome. I walked out to my little toyota and grabbed the keys from my purse, putting them in the ignition. Guess what? It didnt start.
I threw my head back against the seat rest, beating my hand agianst the steering wheel and yelling at the top of my lungs at the car.
“START, STUPID CAR, START!!!” I yelled, turning the ignition once more. It didnt start.
My parents were out of town, so i couldnt call them for a ride, and as i was thinking of who i could call that was in town, i heard a knocking on my window, making me jump.
I turned nd it was John looking at me through the window. I rolled it down.
“Having issues?” He asked me and i smiled.
“Uh.. Yeah.” i said simply, and he laughed.
“Need a ride?” he asked and i smiled at him.
“Uh, well… I live a ways out in the country, it would be out of your way.” I said, considering he lived in a small town in the opposite direction of my house.He looked to the ground thoughtfully, and then turned back to me.
“Would you want to spend the night?” he asked me.
“WHAT?!” I asked him, widening my eyes.
“What? It’s late and i cant see a damn thing. i can just take you home with me, come back into town tomorrow, fix your car and then you can be on your way.” He said, but then he furrowed his eyebrows. “Just call your parents and say that you are staying at a friends house.” He said and i smiled.
“Actually my parents are out of town for the next few weeks.” I said and he smiled at me.
“great. come’on then.” he said, opening the door for me, and i followed him to his red truck.
By the time we got to his house, somehow we had gotten onto the subject of me being technically a virgin. (dont ask how, idk)
“So you’re saying that you’ve never had sex?” he said as he put the car into park. I looked to the ground.
“Well… I cant say no… but i CAN say not willingly.” I said, and flashes of a bad memory went through my head. “Hu?” He asked me and i looked up at him.
“I was raped when i was fifteen.” i said sourly and his face fell, and i saw his expression turn angry. I smiled at him, trying to get the subject on a lighter note.
“So needless to say, i’ve had bad experiences with sex. I’ve never been kissed, i’ve never been lovingly touched, and honestly i can say i never want to.” I said, but i knew that was a lie. I wanted him to touch me. But every time i let msyelf slip into some sort of a daydream, memories of what happened would flash uncontrolably through my head. That happened just then, and i tried to shake them awya.
“I’m sorry.” he said, and i just shrugged. “Have you told anybody else?” He asked me and i shook my head.
“No… Just you.” I said, and i started to wonder why that was.
“Why’d you tell me?” He asked and i just looked at my hands.
“Uh…” I said embarrassingly. “I guess i just feel comfortable around you. I couldnt ever tell my parents. they’d die.” I said, scoffing. I heard him sigh.
“Well. let me tell you this. Sex is… Hey i dont want to sound creepy or anything, but sex is wonderful. What you went through wasnt sex, it was pain. and you shouldnt have gone through that. You didnt deserve it.” he said and i felt like i ws gonna cry.
“To me John? Sex and pain are the same thing.” I said shortly. he sighed again.
“Come on, we better get inside.” And i followed him in.
He showed me to his bedroom.
“You can sleep in teh bed, and i’ll take the couch.” he said and i shook my ehad.
“No, you take the bed, i’m fine on the couch.” I said, and we argued playfully for the next few minutes.
“How about we both take the bed?!” I said laughing. His smile faded and he looked to the ground.
“Would you feel comfortable with that?” He asked me, looking back up, and i felt like crying again at the fact that he cared. Someone actually cared.
“I suggested it.” I said. I took a deep breath, gaining the courage to say the joke i was about to. “Heck. Maybe i’ll even let you have screw me.” I said laughing and he looked at me sharply.
“You dont deserve to be screwed, Jena, you deserve to be made love too…” he said and his words took my breath away. We just stood there for the next few seconds, looking at each other, when he finally took a step towards me. He put his righ hand on my hip, and lifted hi left to my cheek. I flinched unintentionally, and he halted.
“I’m not gonna hurt you…” He said and i felt myself start to tremble.
“John, please dont…” i said, but he put his hand on my cheek. I remember how it felt… It felt like my skin was on fire, with teh brush of his skin against mine.
I remember i was staring at the ground, trying to blink away the memory.. The memory of fingers digging at me ruthlessly, teeth tearing at my skin. I shivered at it, trying to get it out of my mind, but to no avail, when suddenly John spoke.
“What are you thinking about?” He asked me and i remember thinking how sexy his voice sounded. I swallowed.
“Nothing.” I lied.
“Then look at me.” He said. I took a deep breath and looked up at him. I felt myself start to tremble again, as he applied gentle pressure to my hip, pulling me closer to him. Just then, he leaned down, and kissed me gently. My first kiss. he lifted up for a second from the soft kiss, and looked me in the eyes.
“John please stop…” I muttered, flicking my eyes from his eyes to his lips.
“I dont believe you want really want me to.” He said as he leaned down and started to kiss my neck. I gasped, and i heard him let out a deep chuckle. I kept gasping at the warm kisses.
“JOhn… John?” I kept asking.
“What?” he asked as he kept kissing my neck.
“John… Stop.” I said. he moved his hands into mine,grasping them firmly but gently. I never expected him to be that gentle. It made me want to cry again.
“Jena, it’s okay…” He muttered, his voice sultry.
“Oh, John…” I said as he lifted my hands up to rest around his neck and he moved his arms around my waist, moving to kiss the other side of my neck.
“God, i love the way you say my name…” he said, his voice a deep, sultry growl. I remember it like it was yesterday. For the first time i flet myelf become emmersed in the way he was touching me. But then the memory came back, and it was more vivid then ever.
“John STOP!” I said, trying to pull back, moving my hands from around his neck to against his chest. but then he kissed lower on my neck around my collar bone, and i felt almost paralized.I felt myself turning my head so that he had a better angle to kiss me more. My hands shook uncontrolably against his chest. Then he lifted his head and kissed my on the lips, this kiss being longer than the first.
he leaned up.
“I’mm gonna take you to the bed, okay?” He asked me and i looked up at him wildeyed.
“What are you gonna do?” I asked him, and he looked at me with warmth.
“If you want to, i’d like to make love to you.” he said and i felt myself start to shake my head.
“No, i was just kidding earlier, i dont-”
“If i hurt you, then i promise i’ll stop.” he said. “if it hurts, tell me, i’ll stop, and i’ll never touch you agian.” He said. After a long while i nodded.
“Okay.” i said, and he leaned down and kissed me again.
He backed me up into the bed room and agianst the bed until i was sitting down on it. He leaned over me, kissing me the whole time. He leaned up, and like i was nothing, lifted me up, and scooted me further onto the bed. He crawled over me, and started to kiss me again. Suddenly he lifted me up so that i was sitting up with him, and he slid his hands down to my waist, grabbing ahold of my shirt, lifting it over my head. I felt bare, even thoguh i was wearing my bra. He turned his hands to his own shirt and lifted it up. He wasnt wonderfully sculpted, but he was firm against me as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him again.
We kissed like that for a while, his hands setting fire to my back, and then i felt the rest on the hooks to my bra. I started to panic.
“No, John, dont.” I said, shaking my head.
“Am i hurting you?” he asked, and once again i felt helpless. i reluctantly shook my head.
“nO, but i dont want you too…” i said and e started kissing my neck.
“But you’re beautiful…” He said and then like nothing, he undid my bra. He leaned up, taking my bra off and looking at me. I saw his eyes study me and i felt embarrased.
“John, i really dont want to-” I said but just then he leaned down and kissed my left nipple, sucking on it lightly. I cried out.
He kept on doing that, each time be sighing, and crying out, dear god it felt GOOD!
“i’m gonna take your shorts off now.” he said, I nodded as i layed down. He kissed my down my stomach, and then undid my button and zipper, slipping off my shorts and my underwear. I felt naked in front of him, and i closed my eyes, feeling embarrased. I opened my eyes to see him leaning over me, studying me.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked
“Oh my god, you are beautiful.” he said. Then he unzipped his jeans and pulled them off so that he was only in his boxers. He lowered himself over me, and started kissing me deeper that he had before, and i felt him slip his large hand between my legs. I tried to pull away but he held me in place.
“Shh…” he said as i started wimpering.
“No, John, it hurts!” I lied to him.
“Does it?” he said, sitting up quickly, looking at me concerned. I clenched my jaw, and realized that i couldnt lie to him.
“No.” I said, shaking my head. he smiled at me when i said i was scared. He put hsi hand back between my legs and started stroking me. i saw him start to smile as i began to moan, and he started chuckling.it was amazing in so many ways. I’d never felt so much, it felt soooooooo AMAZING. He knew what he was doing.
“Oh God, John!” I yelled out. Just then as pleasure flooded me, i felt John moving around, and then he thrust himself into me.
I couldnt help it. I screamed.
“JOHN!!!” i screamed at him and he looked at me.
“I’m sorry Jena.” he apologized. i shook my head, tapping on his shoulder, and started moaning again. He laughed, and started moving in and out of me.
“Oh… Oh God, Jena!” he said over and over again. “God you feel so good!” He said and I moaned, and yelled and cried out as he started going faster and faster. He was so gentle, and so amazing… I had never felt anything so good. Or so i thought. Then he started kissing me, and playing with my breasts as he thrusted in and out of me all at the same time. I lifted my hands to his back and pressed him closer to me.
“Oh John!” I screamed as i came. Then, he came inside me. He pulled himself out of me.
“Oh Jena, i… Oh God, i love you.” He said as he kissed me deeply. He leane dup and i looked at him.
“Do you mean it?” I asked him and he nodded, laughing and smiling at me.
“I do. jena, you drive me crazy. I am… I’m honestly crazy about you.” he said laughing, laying another kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes, savoring it.
“I love you too..” i said. I opened one eye. “Oh, uh, did you use uh… protection?” I asked, and he started laughing,nodding. He leand over me and kissed my lips. I fell asleep on his chest with his arms around me.
I stayed with John for the whole two weeks my parens were out of town. i told them that i was with John when they got back, and my dad was really upset with him considering he was so much older than me. but they talked by themselves for a while and they came out, and My dad gave John a handshake.
He asked me to marry him three months after then.
We’ve been married two years, and we are more in love then we were then.

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