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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: His bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had decided that I was going to wait for love, not marriage, but love to go all the way. By the time I got to 18, I’d been in some abusive relationships and had accumulated quite a few phobias in bed. I’d been alone for about two years, and then I sort of moved into a circle of people. I met David. I thought he was wonderful, unique, cute, sweet to me. He was clear at the beginning he didn’t want a real relationship because he wasn’t at a time in his life where he could spend a lot of time with me. I decided I didn’t really want one either. So basically, we just hung out and messed around. He told me he wanted to be my first. He said he’d be good to me, and all that jazz. I was nervous, of course. We started to a couple times, but then I’d have to leave, or one of us would lose our nerve. So, finally, one Sunday, Jenni (my best friend) and I drove up to see him after he got off work at 8 AM. She fell asleep on the end of the bed, and we started messing around. He asked me if I wanted to, and I said yes. We took off the rest of our clothes, and checked to make sure Jenni was still asleep.
We didn’t use a condom because I’m on the pill and he said he’d never been with a virgin before and he wanted to know what it felt like. As soon as he started to push inside me, it started to hurt. I started to panic. I told him it hurt. He stopped for a second, and said, it’s your first time, it’s gonna hurt. I got it together. Of course, he’s right, just calm down. And then he was inside me. He was medium sized, but oh, I hurt. And no sooner was he inside of me than he just started to jackhammer away. I asked him to hold still for a minute. I thought if maybe we just sat there for just a minute maybe it wouldn’t hurt so bad. I started to cry because it hurt. I begged him to hold still or to stop. He did finally hold still… for about five seconds. Then he started going again. I started to cry again, and then I guess he realized I wasn’t playing around, it really hurt. As soon as he was out of me, I crawled off the bed and went to the bathroom. I didn’t bleed, I hadn’t expected to, but I felt sore and raw. I found my underwear and put them back on before crawling back into bed beside me. He cuddled me close. He told me he was my first lousy lay, he said the first time is always better. But if I let him, he’d make the second time better.

I tried it a few more times, but it never got better with him. I became convinced something was wrong with me, or I was doing something horrible. He started to become turned off because he was still hurting me. So I decided to sleep with someone else. It was wonderful, I loved it. And now, I have my confidence, because I know, it wasn’t me.

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