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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: work
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 9
Category: Straight

So there was this guy who I had been working with for a while, but I never thought of him in any more of a romantic nature then ’yeah, I guess he’s not too bad looking’. I wasn’t too sure why though, because he was a good looking guy. But there was just something about him, maybe because he was a very cocky guy, always with something smart to say, or maybe it was because I resented him because he was such a spoiled brat- as he was the boss’ kid.
But he was funny, and could be kind and sweet sometimes, caring and such. But I just never thought about him much romantically. Anyways. To the point.
So me, him, and his mom (my boss) were working late at the shop (it was a knick-knack shop, and we had just gotten a HUGE shipment of stuff in that we had to individually unwrap, label, and price. It was hell.) when she had announced that she had to go and pick up her daughter from a softball game a town over, and that Justin would have to lock up after we were done and that she would see me tomorrow. I said my goodbyes and before I knew it, she was gone and it was just me and him. So him, of coarse being the huge slacker he is got out the radio and turned it on. I chuckled at him as he sang along every now and again with a silly voice. I looked up at him for a second to find him looking at me. When our eyes met, he smiled at me, and then flicked his eyes up and down my body and then smiled at me again. I blushed and turned my eyes back down to my work as he began to sing along a bit more, and I couldn’t help but chuckle again.
“You have a cute little laugh, you know that?” He asked me. I looked up at him and laughed again.
“Oh yeah, right!” (I’m saying this seriously, I have one of the most annoying laughs on the face of the planet.)
“Damn it Jenna, you’re way to modest. Much too shy for your own good. I bet you don’t even believe your boyfriend when he compliments you on anything.” he said. I realized only after I responded with the fact that I didn’t have a boyfriend that that was the answer he had been fishing for. He asked me why I was single and I just shrugged, not really knowing what to say.
“I guess guys just don’t think me very appealing.” I said. He through a balled piece of paper at me and hit me in the shoulder and I giggled.
“if they don’t then their blind.” he said.
“Either that or you just need glasses.” I said with another chuckle. He shook his head, but there was still a smile on his face. We didn’t talk for a while and we just kinda stood there working, me glancing up at him every now and again. He was really goodlooking. He had blond hair, BEAUTIFUL blue eyes, and a strong, heavy build. He was tall too, over a foot taller then me and my petite five foot frame.
So I finished my box and had to go to the back rooma nd grab another, so I announced it and began to walk back to grab one. When I got there I went to gab one when I heard someone walk in behind me. I just figured that he needed to grab one too, so I didn’t say anything. Then, suddenly, I felt big, thick hands wrap around my hips and pull me into him, as he was standing right behind me. Ilet out a little shriek and gave a startled jump, and he chuckled behind me. I couldn’t speak for a while, my lungs were like- I don’t know. Stuck or something.
“What-what are you doing?” I finally asked him as he stooped over to press his lips against the top of my blond hair. He slowly nuzzled his lips down to my ear and he whispered “making a move on a beautiful single girl who I happen to have a rather large crush on… you?” he asked, and he grabbed my earlobe between his teeth and slipped it in between his lips in a light kiss, and I let out a surprised sigh.
“uh… being hit on by my boss’ son… Justin, I never knew that you liked me like this.” I said. He pressed my body even closer to his and nuzzled his way down to my neck, kissing light and trailing his lips down my skin.
“Then it’s official. You’re blind.” he said and I chuckled another time. The kisses he was leaving on my skin felt amazing and I felt tingles go all through my body.
He pressed against my hips in a way that turned me around to face him. When we were pressed so close to each other, It really pointed out how much taller he was then me. So our eyes met for a little while as he slowly stooped further down and then- he kissed me! Here I NEVER for one second would have guessed that he would have even known I existed, and here he was kissing me!!!
And it was an AMAZING kiss. It made me moan lightly from the emotions that he was stirring within me, especially with the way his hands pressed against my back and tried to close in any possible space that was in between us. He let them slide down onto my rear end and then he quickly and easily lifted me into the air. I let out a small gasp and instinctively wrapped my legs around his thick waist. He chuckled and then set me on the pile of boxes which went up about to his waist so that I was around his same height and then he kept kissing me, his hands moving up and down my legs which were still wrapped around his waist. His lips were intoxicating, and I was drunk on the way that he tasted. I lifted my hands and riffled though his hair. He leaned back briefly and pulled his shirt off and then slid his hands beneath mine and pulled it off. It was the firs time that I had ever been in my bra in front of a guy and I felt very embarrassed until he pulled me even closer to him and kissed me roughly yet nicely. I ran my hands against his bare skin and realized that I wanted so much more of him.
His hands were on my back and I felt them fiddle with fastener of my bra until it was undone and it fell loose between us. I didn’t pull back because I didn’t want him to see my bare chest, so I just focused on the kisses that he was laying on my mouth.
He slid his lips down my neck and kissed harsher then he had before, sending pleasureable tingles through my stomach and I let out a little moan/sigh.
He leaaned even further down, nibbling on my collar bone along the way until he reached my breasts. He sucked on them and toyed with them for a bit and I began to moan more often.
He leaned me back so that I was laying on the boxes and then he kissed me on my stomach. He then grabbed me up and lifted me against him again and I kicked off my shoes, and then he layed me on the carpeted floor, his heavy body on over me.
His hands rubbed me through my shorts and I could feel the proof of how turned on he was by how hard he was through his jeans. I knew that this was it. I was going to loose my virginity tonight. It was as if he could read my thoughts because he suddenly lifted up his head.
“wait… are you sure you want to do this? I mean… uh, how far were you wanting to go?” he asked me. “I mean, just because… I’m just kinda guessing that you’re a virgin, right?” I nodded.
“Uh… well, if you have protection and are very VERY very gentle… we could go as far as you want too.” I said. He asked me if I was sure again and I nodded, lifting my hands to his hair and I pressed his lips against mine. Our tongues tangled together and he slowly unbuttoned my shorts, sliding them off of my legs. We both sat up to deal with his belt buckle, finally prying it off when I reared back from his kiss again.
“wait… you should know.. I’m not usually like this, I’m not this easy.. I mean, this is the first time I’ve ever really even made out with a guy.” I said. He smiled at me and nodded.
“I know. That’s why I like you… you’re innocent, and sweet.” He said, and then leaned in and kissed me very gently, pressing me to the floor again and leaning over me. I could feel how hard he was when he slipped off his jeans and it pressed against my thigh. I grabbed his back nd pressed him even closer to me, as if it was even possible.
He slid his hand between my legs and started to play with me, tickling my clit and stuff, making me moan as he sucked on my boobs he slowly went down on me, his tongue licking faster and faster. IT WAS AMAZINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! I was moaning so loud he was chuckling evry now and again. He was fingering me slowly too as he licked like a mad man, rotating his tongue around my clit and eating me out until I screamed in pleasure, and even then he didn’t stop. He showed no mercy, after I came my first time. He grabed my thighs and pulled them apart and kept right on licking me like I was a lolly pop he just couldn’t get enough of. He then ;eaned up and kissed me passionately and then leaned up again and slid off his boxers, rebealing me to my first ever dick. It as HUGE! Or at least to me! He put on a condom and then asked me how I would want to do this. I asked him what he meant and he asked whether I wanted fast or slow, and I said that I would prefer slow. So he leaned over me, the weight of his body on me was AMAZING, and then he started to slide into me. It hurt like HELL and I whimpered as he kissed my neck. He asked me if he should stop but I said no that I wanted him to keep going, so he kept going slowly and slowly until he was as far in as he could go. he then began to slide out, and then back in, and the pain slowly began to fade. He was moaning and breathing heavy, muttering things like “damn your so tight” and “Oh, god, Jenna” and stuff like that. And as the pain fadded away I behan to breath heavy too. And I began to moan his name. he slowly went faster and faster, his big dick sliding n and out of me. He finally came and so did I, and it was amazing. Afterward, he rolled me over and told me to get on my knees if I wanted to feel something great. And lord knows I did. He then fucked me doggy style and god was that GREAT! He could get so deep and pound so hard, even though I did like missionary because it seemed much more romantic and personal. Later on he asked me to suck his dick and I did that for the firsst time too. I didn’t know what to do so I tried my best, sucking and licking around his head. I tried humming too, because I heard that guys really like that, and he really did.
So that was my first time. I know I kinda rushed it at the end but that was basically it. Me and Justin are still working together and are now dating, and his mom loves me. She keeps eluding to how we should get married, and I really hope that we do. I love this man more then anything. We are gonna be going to Hawaii as a summer vacation, and his mom hinted to the fact of how he might be popping the question then! I REALLY HOPE THAT HE DOES! I want him in my bed every night for the rest of my life… I don’t deserve him. Even though we often drive each other nuts, and even though he’s still a spoiled brat, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH<3 J

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