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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: in the poolhouse
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

ok…let me see what i remember,i’ll make it as short as possible…i was 14 at the time and my mom and dad had went to a football game which they are fanatics for. my older sister and her boyfriend was staying over whenshe went to rent some movies… i had decided to go for a late swim, well i had dried off and was changing clothes when my Rick (my sis’s boyfriend) came in and said that he had been noticing my nice ass…i was shocked no guy had ever taken notice to me before.he walked towards me and started touching my neck, then he ran his fingers through my hair i knew right then what he want i was a little curious , wondering what sex was like ..so we started kissingthen he pulled the towel off me and started rubbing my vagina,he removed his pants and shirt and sat down on the floor. i spread my legs over him and sit down on top of him i took his dick in my hand and guided it to my hole i tried to to sit down on it but it wouldn’t slide in, so he licked his fingers and rubbed the head of his dick and then told me to try…i sit down and it slid in a little and it felt really weird then i felt it against my cherry i hopped up, then all the sudden he became frustrated or something and grabbed my thighs and forced me down on his cock …i let out a scream as he rolled me over and began pumping it to me i cried and cried as he kept pumping ,then he pulled out and ejaculated all over my tummy..yes i bled alot that night but it was all for the good because sex has helped me in so many ways!

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