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Where it happened: His bedroom
Langauge: English
Rating: 6
Category: Straight

Even thought this guy is now my ex boyfriend, I’m still going to follow through with this writing thing. He had been my first long-term boyfriend. However, the time that I lost my virginity to him, we were probably about a month and a half into our relationship. Well… we were making out (my definition of first base) before we were technically together. So when we did finally become an item, it was easy being sexually physical with one another. Unfortunately, my first-time experience isn’t exactly a happy story. I mean… not that I didn’t want to… here, let me explain. We were in his bedroom on the bed of course. There was kissing and fondling and caressing, as usual. Not the first time that either of us had experienced this. But he was the first guy that ever went down on me. Although, when you’re young, it’s hard to enjoy being eaten out without feeling extremely nervous and self-conscious. Still, there’s no doubt that I didn’t find oral sex very kinky and erotic at the time. Anyways… back to my story. I had been laying on the edge of the bed on my backside while he was sitting on the floor with his mouth between my thighs. After a good long while of pussy-licking, he got up and laid on top of me on the bed. More romantic kissing and touching. Slowly, between each frantic kiss and tongue-swirl, we undressed each other rolling around on the bed, taking turns lying on top of one another. Then I had this feeling… a feeling that I had never experienced before… it was so new. It was the first time that I longed for something inside of me. I wanted penetration and I yearned for it deep within my flesh. So I got on top of him and slid him inside of me. It was exactly the feeling that I wanted. I felt his hardness slide up through me and tickle my cervices… it felt so good. At the time I was only age 15 and I knew that I was a little young to be sexually active. But at this very moment, with his manhood ready to thrust into me in-between my legs, I could not bring myself to stop. I WANTED him, and so badly. So I decided to be safe, and we responsibly reached for a condom and I put it on for him. Then I rode him. It was sort of awkward a little, considering that we were both virgins before then, and neither of us knew how to fuck. But we managed… obviously. Here’s the sad part. After we had sex and we were laying in bed for a few minutes happily and flushed… I asked him where he put the condom. He looked at me and replied, “where did you put it?” That’s when I started to panic. Both if us had thought that the other person did something with the condom. So we started looking around for it. On the floor, in the bed, under the covers… it was nowhere. He left the room for a moment to use the bathroom, and while he was out of the room, I thought about one last place that maybe I should check. So I reached up inside myself and there the condom was. It had come off inside of me. When he came back into the room I was crying and told him where I’d found it. See… I told you that my story wasn’t exactly a happy one. But no fear… nothing bad really happened in the end. We called Planned Parenthood and the next day we went in to get the Morning After Emergency Contraceptive Pill. Those things are life savers!!! After that we had sex regularly and safely. Well… that’s the story of my first time. I hope that somebody reads it and thinks it isn’t boring. Bye all.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience