here is the story of my first time i hope you enjoy:
it was during the summer and i had first noticed the boys starting to notice me, i have brown hair, light brown eyes and at the time 34 c breasts and loooong legs. i was getting stared at constantly but my mother was very strict and forbid me from seeing any of them. i had no female friends because they were all jelous of me and called me a slut which was not the case at all. so it drown my sorrow i turned to alcohol. at first it wasn’t a lot but then it was every day and soon i was a full blown alcoholic.
soon my mother discovered my little habit and said if i didn’t go to AA meetings she would throw me out of the house. so with much argument i agreed to go. it was awfully hot on the day of the first meeting so i wore a tube top and short shorts. as soon as i got to the meeting i noticed all the old guys checking me out. one of the guys however wasn’t all that old and had these eyes that absolutly mesmerized me. i hardly heard a word anyone said all meeting because i was staring into his eyes the whole time. after the meeting was over the man came up to me and asked why i had been staring at him. i couldn’t come up witha good answer so i just stammered and said i was sorry. he told me not to worry about to and put his hand on my back. he had strong hands and it felt rather nice, i told him thank you and said i needed to get home now.
he said ok, and started to walk with me out of the building the meeting was in. out of nowhere i tripped on a nail or something and i was right infront of him so he fell ontop of me. before i even got up i started telling him how sorry i was and but he looked into my eyes and started kissing me. it was odd but it felt kind of good, so i started to kiss him back. he then started to take off my clothes and i followed his example and took off his. i could feel the space between my legs getting unusally wet. he asked me if i wanted to have sex, and at the time all i could think about was pissing off my mother so i said ok. it kind of hurt at first but afterwards it felt great. we must have fucked 3 times right there in the middle of the building. i never saw him again but a month later i figured out i was pregnant and my mom threw me out of the house because of it, so now i am homeless with a child and i am writing this on a computer at the library.