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Jerk off III

Current Age: 36
Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Alley
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Gay

Johnny was mad. He told me to follow him. We walked down the alley, across a street. down by the school. there were some high weeds by a wooden fence backed up to these apartments. He was looking around trying to find a good place to get his cock sucked. and then he remembered about the books. and asked me about them. I told him they were all gone. and I asked him if he could get some more? He said he didn’t know. But he would try. ” I think he knew I loved those books” he found this place under a large tree and said. I guess if you want, I’ll let you Suck me over there. ” he always put it as if I wanted to do it” We went there and I sucked him for what seemed like ever. I guess it was the NEW place and no books We just was not that into it, as I was sucking We herd someone say. HEY what you doing over there. He zipped up and we ran……

We didn’t have a place to do our sex acts, and I think we both were missing it. two weeks went by. we Would see each other and talk about how we missed sucking fucking and we both would admit we jacked off at out homes. Everything Changed for me one day while I was walking home. Some guys from my Class were picking a fight with me. ” me being shy unpopular and a bit with dawned. I guess I was an easy target” They popped me a few good times in the mouth. once in the eye, as I ran away. being called Coward, Pussy, and a few other names…. The next day at school I had a black eye and bruised up a bit. I seen Johnny walking home, ” His school was around the block from mine, he was in a higher grade” He and his friends were PISSED…. WHO DID THIS? WHAT HAPPENED? I’ll get them for this…. and he and his friends did. It became apparent that I was NOT to be picked on. They really beat these guys. and even made them say. I’m sorry to me. I was Really feeling GREAT.
This made Johnny and me closer and his other two friends. Were really looking out for me. I hung out with them a few times after school, and one of the guys could drive. On the weekend’s I would go get picked up by them and we would go cruising around. The entire time out little Sex episodes were not known. I learned that the car was only available on the weekends because it was James’s mom’s car. Johnny and I would get together from time to time and I would suck him off. and that was that. We were in fear of being caught. it really was NOT working…… I would ask him about the books. and he would push the issue aside, with things like I will have to see. and I’ll check.

Johnny told me one day that on Friday Were going to a Club. and he could get me in. This is where we can get more books. I was excited and Eger. he told me to tell my mom that I’m spending the night with a friend. But not him. When they came to pick me up it was Just him and James. While driving Johnny said. I had to tell James that you are my pussy. But don’t worie James is Cool, and he don’t mind. God I was humiliated. James even said. I herd your a GREAT cocksucker. I just said Yes. he said I might give you a try sometime. then he asked Johnny. is that ok? Johnny said Of Corse, Looking back at me in the back seat.

We drove for Quite a while, as the conversation was all sex. Experiences they had. I felt like they were lying. with them from time to time asking me about giving head. getting fucked and such. after 3 hours of driving there was this Real Crappy looking place with several junk cars out front. the place looked like hell. burned out lights around the building. what little grass was there was high weeds. they told me to stay in the car. They would be back. They were gone for Quite a while a Few people came and went looking over at me. Really creeping me out and scary at times. I seen some women come and go too…… it seemed like an hour. before a dark figure appeared and keep coming my way. It was Johnny. he said. come on. I’m so sorry. your not suppose to be in here. We had to wait for the guy to leave. it’s ok now come on. But stay close to me and James. My first time in a bar.
Going in I noticed it was hard to see. there were several people in there. Music playing VERY loud. some were older and some were young. There were a few women there serving drinks with there tit’s hanging out. and most of there butt showing. there was a woman on a stage doing a strip dance. Johnny told me to follow him. we went into the back of the place and there was a door, He opened the door and we went in, there was small places to sit with small funny looking tables. racks on the sides with books, VCR’s and different types of porn. I thought it was heaven….We sat down and a woman brought two beers, my eyes popped out looking at her tits as she bent over to place the drinks down. Johnny asked her if she knew where the sissy books were. she then gave me a wink and pointed to the side wall. He told me to go pick some out. I didn’t know what a sissy was, But I quickly learned. IT was me. I got some good ones returned to our table looking at them showing Johnny as I was trying to drink my 1st beer. The woman keep coming back to our table asking if we needed anything. Johnny got me another beer, that I really didn’t want or need. It didn’t take long before here came James. and he said. Ok it’s ready…. Johnny told me to get my books beer and come on back here. We went to this side area where there was a Sheet across a door opening. and there was a hallway with several doors this area was all painted black hard to see. and numbers written on the doors. We went into number 4. this was a VERY small room. with a chair a small bed, little table and some kind of machine on the wall and a TV……..

James put some money into this machine several times and got something out. and then he put dollars into this slot on the TV and switched a box on the top of it. INSTANT PORN…… the box would let you select different types. He put it on sissy porn and we watched. It didn’t take long before Johnny said OK I’m ready to have my dick sucked Pussy. turning to me…… He pulled his pants off layed backwards on the bed with his legs spread. looking VERY comfortable, With his dick sticking straight up….. I guess I hesitated of didn’t get on the floor fast enoulf. because he said WELL SUCK IT PUSSY!

I got on my knees and started going to town. it was like an old friend. but at the same time JAmes was in the room. and I think Johnny was showing off for him, by calling me every name under the sun.
Johnny told me to stop and to get undressed and get on all fours to suck it. he told me this is the way he likes his Cocksucker to suck cock. I obeyed. Again I remember how hard it was to suck on all fours. and I was giving it my best…. It didn’t take long before I felt two hands on the side of my hips and you got it…. JAMES Quickly stuck his cock up my ass. and was Fucking me for all I was worth. he was NOT going easy and he was pounding me so hard I would loose the dick in my mouth as he bumped me…. He would stop and pull out them back in again. I think he was adding more lube. I was now being called names by both. and James would spank my ass from time to time. This action didn’t take long, before they came. Johnny in my mouth. then James on my ass and my back and I even thing in my hair. after it was over James said WOW your right. she’s GREAT….. Johnny laughed and asked me if I liked it. I felt as If I better say yes. He also told James he gets pussy any time he wants it. JAmes asked me if this was true…. I said YES to this too……About that time the TV went off, the room got darker and I was told to get dressed, get my stuff and lets go…. I was a mess and there was nothing to clean up with…. I couldn’t find my clothes. But the books were still there…..We looked and looked felt around on the floor and could NOT find my clothes. they were gone…………Johnny said I’ll be right back Stay here. Like I was going anywhere totally nude….. he returned with some Women’s clothing saying this is all he could get, and for me to put them on. I protested as he said you want to go out there necked? I dressed. and we went back into the porn room. the lady REALLY giving me winks. as she said looks like you got yours? she then gave me a napkin and said they really shot on you. as she pointed towards the Women’s restroom. saying go in there sweetie and clean up.

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