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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: Bedroom/Bathroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I read all these stories of first time sex on this site, but there’s not much written about masturbation — which is really a great and wonderful experience.

I started jacking off when I was about 13, I guess. I had a very strong libido, and it seems I got a hard on every day, usually in the morning and often at night.

I loved the tremendous sensation of massaging my penis, usually with some face cream or hand cream of my Mom’s, that I found in the bathroom. I tried to hold off “cumming” as long as I could, and then I’d see how far I could it would spurt or shoot. I just felt so damn satified once I had “gotten my rocks off.”

A lot of the time I’d do it in my bed, naked, but as I grew older I “graduated” into the bathroom, where I’d be standing up and I’d pretend I was fucking a girl against the sink or the wall, and I’d use both hands. I’d cum several times, and really enjoyed the musky smell of my sperm.

I found an ad for a booklet on masturbation in Penthouse magazine and sent away for it. It promised to increaee the size of my dick by 2″ or 3″. Since I had already measured it at 8″ (when I was 17), I thought, if it worked, I could have one of the longest love-makers in my town. Well, the exercises and techniques described in the book didn’t completely live up to the claims in the add, but they I did manage to have a 9-1/2 penis by the time I was twenty one. By that time, I had fucked acouple of girls — actual a half dozen or so — but I still enjoyed my jack-off sessions at home, which often were more satisfying than fucking some girl who really didn’t know an awful lot about how to please a guy. In high school, I had had a couple of blow-jobs, and did enjoy them, but whacking off still was my preferred choice of sexual activity.

Once when I was 21, my Mom accidentally caught me in the act, stark naked, in the bathroom, and I was totally embarrassed, and so was she. After that I made sure the door was not only shut but locked.

A lot of times I jacked off in movie theaters, sitting by myself in one of theback rows, watching the sex on the screen. These were very intense session and extremely gratifying.

I’m 40 years old, and married now for about 7 years. I enjoy sex with my wife, but nothing beats beating my meat, alone, in bed, or while taking a shower!It relaxes me and takes off a lot of the stress in my life.

Some may think I’m quirky, but don’t knock it unless you’ve tried it.

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