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Jess boo

Age when it happend: 15
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So this is just the story about how I fell in love for the first time. Not about sex or anything, although I could tell you about that too but I’m not going to. My love story: I had told my mother I was gay 3 days before my girlfriend was coming to the house for the weekend. She took it better than expected. I met her online. Gosh, she was hott, those were my first thoughts. Myspace love I suppose. When we had met I was 15, she was just about to turn 17. Just a little crush that turned into a relationship. Nothing major. But over the months I was falling in love. I knew this because I thought to myself “I dont know what I would do without her in my life, shes amazing”. And she was. She was very sweet to me the first few months. We were together for 9 months and it was amazing… well, I thought it was in some sick way. I say it like that because we had such an unhealthy relationship. It was very abusive. Physically and mentally. On her part. I was the abusee. She was the abuser. That may sound weird, a girl in an abusive relationship with another girl. But it did happen, and it can happen to anyone. Anywho, I just knew I had fallen in love with this girl. We had talked about marriage, I thought serious, but she didn’t. That what she would later tell me, after we had broken up in January 2007. But I loved her. We planned on starting a family. We wanted to have a little boy. We even picked out the name Austin. We were so excited to start our lives together. But then she moved to Tennessee and thats when everything changed. She would lie to me about weird stuff. She would say she was in a car accident and thats why she hadn’t called me in a week. I believed every word she said. She came to see me Christmas break of ’06. She cheated on me with my best friend at the time, of course I was mad, it was the 5th time she had done it. But I took her back just like I had everytime. She told me one day on the phone that we should take a break. I would still be hers and she would still be mind but we were on a break… until I called her phone and her new girlfriend answered the phone. It broke my heart. Every song I heard reminded me of her. But eventually I got over it. It was my first real love and my first real love loss. Her girlfriend is pregnant now. Which means she cheated on her but I guess they really love eachother. I still go on her Myspace every now and then, just to see how she has changed.

Signed, Jess boo

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