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Jill and Greg

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: field near my friends house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Its started out as a normal party, just like any other one we’d ever had. Not really a party even, just me, Greg, Amos and Dan hanging out at Amos’s house, playing video games (well, actually, me watching them play video games), running around outside, and watching movies.

You may think it weird that I’m the only girl there, but it’s not. I feel totally comfortable around them, and other than the normal flirting, nothing sexual had ever happened.

I got there around 5, and everybody was inside playing video games. I flopped down on the couch next to Greg and cuddled up to him. Out of the three, I would have to say that he’s the one I feel the most comfortable around. He’s esay to talk to, and we always joke around.

Amos’s mom brought us pizza at about 6:30. That disappeared pretty quickly, and we decided to watch a movie.

I don’t remember what we watched, but I do remember that about half way through, there was a pretty erotic and graphic sex scene. I found myself getting pretty turned on, but I knew that there was nothing I could do about it. Masturbation obviously wasn’t an option, so I tried to forget about it.

When the movie was over, it had gotten pretty dark out and we decided to go outside and play hide and go seek. I volunteered to be ‘It’ first, so I sat down on the side of the road (traffic hardly ever goes by at night) and counted to 100. I stood up and just stared at the sky for a minute, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness.

I crossed the road and slowly made my way into the field. I heard a cough off to my left, and turned to see Greg laying down in the tall grass.

“Damn, you found me,” he said as he stood up. I laughed.

“Ya know,” I said jokingly. “We’re all alone here in the dark. We could take serious advantage of this situation.” I was still horny from the movie, so I figured that either he’d laugh at my suggestion and pass it off as another one of my horny jokes, or take me seriously.

“We could,” he said. And then he kissed me.

He kissed me in a way that I’d never been kissed before. It was so tender and sweet, unlike all the kisses I’d recieved before. He took it slow, didn’t just stick his tongue down my throat. He moved his hands slowly down my waist and began to slide my shirt off.

We broke away from our kiss for a few seconds while he removed my shirt. We continued our kiss, and he reached behind my back to unhook my bra, and let it fall to the ground. He began to play with my nipples, slowly moving his kisses lower and lower, down my neck, between my breasts.

“Greg,” I moaned.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked.

“Yes, God yes,” I murmured.

He removed his shirt and started kissing down my stomach, until he reached the top of my pants. He glanced up at me with a questioning look in his eyes, like he was asking for permission. I smiled, and nodded. He undid the button on my pants and pulled the zipper down. He slowly started pulling my pants down, till they were down around my ankles. I stepped out of them and he began kissing my thighs, moving closer and closer to my crotch.

He moved his head back and pulled my panties down, revealing my virgin cunt. He stood up and took of his pants and his boxers. He began kissing me again, and he slowly lowered me to the ground. He moved down and gently started sucking on my clit, using his tongue to make me feel better than I ever had. He got faster and faster, and I could feel my orgasm approaching. I began moaning louder and louder, and he went faster and faster. Suddenly, I felt the wave of pleasure go through my body, and I collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily.

“Are you ok?” He asked.

“Yes,” I replied, “That felt so unbelieveably good.”

He layed on top of me and began kissing me again, with more fervor than before. With our bodies pressed together, I could feel how hard he was.

“I love you, I love you,” he whispered, and I could feel him rubbing his cock up and down along my clit. “You’re sure you want to do this, right?”

“If you stop now, I’ll kill you,” I replied, with a smile. he smiled back and began to kiss me again. He entered me slowly, letting me get used to the feeling. I felt my hymen tear, and for a second all I felt was pain, but pleasure quickly overtook again. He started pumping in and out of me, and I couldn’t think of anything else except the pleasure he was giving me. We were both moaning and breathing hard as he went faster and faster. I felt my orgasm approach, and when it erupted, I almost screamed because it felt so good.

He began pumping harder and harder, and I finally felt him explode inside of me. He layed down next to me, and we embraced and fell asleep.

We woke up awhile later, and it was pitch black. We put our clothes back on as well as we could and walked back to the house. Amos was asleep on the couch, so Greg and I cuddled up on the floor, and went to sleep.

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