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Jim and Leon

Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: at the lake
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

It was a week into our summer break in 1987 and I still remember it like it was yesterday. My friend Leon was getting sick of having to hang out with his family and wanted to get away from them for a while. He just turned 13 the day before while I turned 13 in February, (so I have him beat by a few months agewise) and I guess it’s typical at that age to want to hang out with friends more than family, (was for me) so I invited him to go swimming with me at the lake. He jumped at that chance to get away from home for a while, even when his folks said we could go only if Greg (Leon’s older brother) drove us. We both agreed because not only did the 3 of us get along great, but it also ment we would get to ride in Greg’s Firebird. We loved riding in that car every chance we could! (Greg was 18 that year and had been saving most of his job and detassling money since he was 14 to get that car, so it was his baby, but he liked driving us around in it because we liked it as much as he did. I still think he has it to this very day!) We packed up some snacks and drinks as well as the inner-tubes (the farm tractor ones) and a bicycle pump to put air in them, and headed out. When we got to the lake there wasn’t anyone in sight, which was odd to me being it was sitting at 88 degrees and 2 o’ clock in the afternoon. Oh well, I thought, just means no one to bug us. Greg got out the inner-tubes and pump and pumped up the tube he was going to use.
“Hey!” Greg said, “Aren’t you two going to pump your inner-tubes up?”
“Yeah, in just a few minutes.” Leon said, “We have to change first.”
“Riiight!” he said, rolling his eyes, grinning and shaking his head, “Just don’t take forever jacking each other off or you’ll never get any swimming in before we have to leave!”
“Whatever!” we said, laughing as we headed off for the hidden spot in the trees where we change.
We both knew he was right though, we were going to jack each other off, and that was another reason we got along so well. Greg had caught Leon and I jacking each other off when we were 11, and he came home from detassling early due to bad weather heading our way. Leon and I thought we had the place to ourselves (because his parents and Greg were working) and didn’t even hear Greg getting dropped off or walking up to the house (this was right before he got his car). The next thing we knew is he’s opened the door and sees us sitting on the living room couch in only our t-shirts, socks and shoes, and holding each other’s dicks in our hands. He was shocked and we were scared shitless, thinking he was going to tell on us. But after shutting the door and regaining his composure from what he saw his brother and best friend doing, he reassured us that he wasn’t going to tell anyone. But he also told us that we shouldn’t do that anywhere in the house but Leon’s room because next time it could be their parents walking in on us. And every time since, Greg always knew when we were hinting about it and helped remind us to go up to the room, usually by using the excuse of playing Atari or something like that.
Anyway, Leon and I get to our changing spot and sure enough we are as horney as two jackrabbbits, and waste no time in stripping each other down to shoes and socks. Leon has a great body from all the swimming he does at the “Y”, nice, slim and toned, crew-cut blond hair, and stands 5′ 2″, with a dick that is 3″ soft, 5″ hard. (Yes, we measured them!) Me, I’m slender (not scrawny), crew-cut blond hair (almost like Leon’s, but mine’s a little darker), standing 5′ even, but my dick is 3 1/4″ soft, and 5 3/4″ hard which Leon jokes that it makes him jeleous. We start jacking and we are both so horney, that we cum in 3 minutes, which is REALLY fast for us. Usually it takes about 10-15 minutes for us to cum, no kidding, that’s how long we could make it last! After we come back down out of the clouds, we get dressed and go out and pump our inner-tubes up. It takes Leon and I a few minutes to get used to the water, due to a thunderstorm coming through overnight, dumping enough rain to drop the lake temp down a few degrees, but we got used to it and started having a great time swimming. We decided to see how far we could swim out with the tubes, and only made it as far as the middle of the lake before we gave up and just decided to float around.
“So, did you guys have fun back there?” Greg asked, pointing to the general area we were at when Leon and I jacked each other off an hour earlier, “Sounded like you did! Thank god no one else was here, they would’ve heard everything!”
“Oh-my-god!” Leon and I say, as we start blushing and grinning ear to ear.
“You two have got to learn how to be quieter when you do that.” Greg says, grinning as well, “You will attract ALL sorts of attention to yourselves if you don’t.”
“Alright!” Leon and I agreed, “We will.”
“Damn, I’m getting horney again!” Leon says, after a few minutes.
“Me too!” I say, “I’m tempted to jack-off here in the lake!”
“Sounds good to me too!” he says, getting into a laying-back position in his tube, and starts to untie his swimshorts.
“Dude!” Greg says, as he sees what is going on, “What are you doing?”
“I always wanted to try jacking off in the lake, just never got brave enough to try it before, there was always too many people around.” Leon says, pushing his shorts down and off his body so that he was holding them in one hand and his dick, which was getting hard again, in the other. “But now there isn’t anyone else here but us, besides if someone does come, I can lay my shorts over me and make it look like I have them on. So there’s nothing to worry about!”
“Are you serious?” he asks, looking around to make sure that no one is watching, “You’re going to jack off?”
“I am right now!” Leon says, as Greg looks at him
“Damn, little brother!” Greg says, grinning, “You’re getting quite a bush around your dick!”
“Yeah, and getting quite a boner too!” Leon says, waving his 5″ boner in the air proudly.
“God! I’m going to have to jack-off too!” I said, stripping my shorts off, laying on top of my tube, and starting to jack-off as well.
“Just wish there was more to this than just jacking off!” Leon said, after a few minutes.
“There is.” Greg says, “But you guys will probably think it’s too gross.”
“What is it?” both Leon and I seem to say together.
“It’s called dicksucking.” Greg said, “And how you do it is, for example, Leon you take Jim’s dick in your mouth and you go up and down on it, then after he makes you cum Jim, you do the same on his dick.”
“What are you talking about?” Leon asks.
“It would be better to show you two than to try and explain it, that is if, one, you want me to and two, if you promise not to tell anyone at all.”
“I’m cool with it.” Leon says, “And I promise I won’t say a thing to anybody.”
“Same here!” I said.
“Ok.” Greg said.
The next half an hour, Greg alternated sucking my dick and his kid brother’s dick. God it felt awesome and I’m sure it was awesome for Leon as well, judging from the look on his face. I never came so hard from a blowjob (as I heard them called by in later years) as I did then, and I had quite a few mind blowing ones since then! Leon had the same look on his face as I did when he shot his cum, the look of OH..MY..GOD!! FUCKING FANTASTIC!!!! After he finished sucking us off, we offered to suck his, but he said he didn’t want to make us feel like we were being pressured to do that to him, just because he did it for us. We reassured him that we weren’t feeling pressured but he said not then, maybe later (later came sooner than any of us 3 thought, but that’s another ‘first’ story for a later time, wink-wink lol), he was sooo cool like that!
“Hey guys.” Greg said, “If you still want to swim with your shorts off, hook them to the air-valve on your tube that way you won’t lose them.”
“Why?” Leon asked, as we hook our shorts to the air-valves “Is that where you have yours?”
I knew Leon was cracking a joke when he asked that, but then noticed Greg blushing a little.
“You snot!” Leon said, smiling, “You’re naked, aren’t you?”
“Yup!” he said, now turning quite pink, “Naked as a jaybird!”
“Uh-uh!” we both said, “Prove it!”
Greg smiles ear to ear then lifts up the tube a little and swims out so now he’s on the outside of it. Then he grabs the outside of the tube and leans back so now he’s floating on the lake’s surface. Oh my god, his dick is boned up and HUGE!!! It looks like it is easily 9″ long and thick. I smile, noticing that he’s momentarelly distracted, and I leave my tube with Leon and swim over to his naked brother. I look back at Leon, who’s using all the willpower he has to keep from busting a gut laughing, reach out and start to stroke Greg’s huge dick.
“Whoa, what the fuck!” he said, bolting up quite startled.
We explained to Greg after we stop laughing that I had always wondered what his dick looked like and if given the chance I wanted to try and jack him off a little.
“So do you like it?” I asked Greg, still jacking him off.
“Yeah, it feels pretty good.” he said, “Damn good!”
By now I can’t help myself, I heard about something and just had to give it a try. I laid my dick on top of his and started moving my body up and down, rubbing our dicks together.
“God kid, what are you doing to me?!?!” he whispered, closing his eyes and leaning back a little.
After a few minutes Leon said he wanted to try that, so he got into position and man, it sure looked like he was enjoying humping his older brother.
“Well guys.” Greg said about five minutes later, after stopping Leon’s humping, “I hate to have the fun end, but we should think about getting ready to head back.”
Groaning Leon and I pull our shorts back on as does Greg, and we get out to start drying off.
“Hey Greg? Is there anything else we can add to make that more fun?” Leon asked his brother.
“Yeah, there’s assfucking, but I’m NOT going to show you how to do that one.” he said, sternly “One, it’s self-explanitory, you stick your dick into another person’s asshole, push-in pull-out over and over until you cum, Two, my dick would rip you apart, so NO NO NO!”
“I wasn’t saying you do it.” Leon said, “I was just asking.”
“Oh, ok.” Greg said, “I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions man.”
“No problem.” Leon said, sitting down and pulling his socks and shoes on. “What about it?” he says, looking at me as he picks up his underwear and dry shorts to change into at our changing spot, “Do you want to give it a try?”
I am tying the laces on my left shoe and stop in mid-tie. The thought of my friend pushing his dick up my asshole was making me think it would hurt too, but then as I started slowly tying my laces and thought about it, I thought ‘He knows that whatever he does to me I’ll do to him, so I know he’ll go easy because he would want me to go easy’.
“Ok, I’ll try it if you do.” I said “It’s a first for both of us, so I know you’ll go easy if you expect me to.”
“I will.” he said.
“Here!” Greg said, tossing something to Leon, “You’ll both need these.”
Leon showed me that they were 2 condoms and a small bottle of hand lotion.
“Just don’t tell Mom or Dad about me giving you these just yet ok.” he said
“Ok we won’t.” we both say, as Leon grabs both of our towels and our change of cloths and we start to head over to our changing area
“I’ll keep watch to make sure no one comes around there, have fun and just make sure you keep the noise down.” Greg tells us.
“Ok we will!” we both say as we dissapear into the trees.
Once beyond sight of anyone, Leon sets down our dry cloths and lays out both towels. We both stand there for a minute in our shoes, socks, and our wet swimshorts wondering what to do next.
“Go ahead, sit down, and prop yourself up on your hands.”
I tell him. When he does, I reach for the drawstring of his swimshorts and untie it. Grasping the waistband of his shorts I have him push himself up on his hands to raise his butt a little, then slide them off his butt, his dick plopping out half-hard, down his legs and off his body. I suck his dick a couple of times and play with his balls, noticing just how much hair he had, not a whole lot just as much as me, enough to really turn me on. He then turned me around so I now was flat on my back on the towels, untied my shorts, and had them off of me quicker than I had his off. He sucked my dick for a while and quite a few times he took my whole dick in his mouth, all 5 3/4″ of it, right down to my pubes. I tried doing that to him and kept gagging, but to this day I don’t know how he took all of mine without gagging when my dick was a good 3/4″ bigger than his was. I finally had to make him stop so I didn’t cum before I had the chance to fuck his asshole. I let Leon go first and as he was putting his condom on, I put the lotion in and around my asshole. He pushed my legs gentley towards my head and slowly started pushing his dick into my asshole. It hurt a Little, but suprisingly it just felt mostly strange to me, but I really started liking it. I was glad no one could see us because at 13 years old, I would’ve died from embarassment, but knowing we had someone keeping watch out for peeping toms, let me feel free to enjoy my first time being fucked in the asshole. After about 10 minutes, Leon started breathing real hard and pulled his dick out of me. Pulling off the condom, he jacked-off to a whopping 8 shot cum!! The times we just jacked each other off we could only get a maximum number of 4. I NEVER seen him cum so much WOW!!! After he rested for a minute, he stood up and told me to stay on my back, he took the lotion and put it in and around his asshole, just like I did, took my condom and placed it on my dick himself. Then he squatted down over my dick and slowly lowered himself on my throbbing boner. I had NEVER felt anything that good before, it was undescribable. I felt like I wanted to scream, cry, and laugh all at the same time, not from pain, but from this wonderful feeling on my dick. It took a little longer to get my dick into Leon, because mine was bigger, and a little more painful judging from the look on his face, but he got it all in and really enjoyed it as much as I did when his dick was in me. Oh how I wanted that feeling to go on forever, but like all good things, it seemed to end far to quickly, and I was flipping him over gentley pulling out and taking my condom off getting ready to shoot. I had a mind blowing cumshot too – 9 shots!!! All over his chest, dick, balls, face, forearms and hands (those because he had them on his chest and didn’t move them in time), and I kid you not, even got some in his hair (still to this day I don’t know how I managed to shoot up to the top of his forehead to get his hair, but I did). We both sat up and started laughing. Greg heard us laughing and came up to the front of our hiding spot, close enough to talk too but still out of sight.
“You guys ok in there?” he asked.
“Fine!” we both said still snickering.
“I was just checking.” he said, “I heard a lot of laughing and was just checking to see what all the commotion was about.”
“Come back in and see for yourself!” we both said to Greg, and started snickering again.
“You sure?” he said.
“Yes!” we both said.
He came back in and saw us sitting there on the towels in only our shoes and socks, cum all over us and made the comment “Looks like you two had some fun?!!”, then he took one look at his brother and started busting a gut laughing!
“Looks like you had the most fun of all little brother!” he said, laughing so hard, tears started rolling down his face.
“Damn, Jim!” he said once he calmed down and saw my hard dick up close, “You got my little brother beat by a bit there dick size and pubes wise huh?”
“Dick size yes, but not by much.” I said, “But we have just about the same amount of hair down there I think.”
“Well I don’t know about you, but I have to get this stuff off of me.” Leon said, taking off his shoes and socks again, “It’s starting to get VERY sticky.”
“Same here, but I don’t want to have to put those wet swimshorts back on, they’re cold now.” I said, removing my shoes and socks.
“Well I’ll keep watch, you two hurry up and get in the water and clean up.” Greg said, as he grabbed our towels and cloths.
We got washed off, out of the water and dry enough to put our shirts on and decided to just wrap our towels around our bodies instead of changing, which was a good thing because by the time we got the towels wrapped around us people started showing up to swim. We packed up and headed back to Leon and Greg’s house, and were relieved to see their parents weren’t home yet. In the kitchen was a note from their parents.


Had to go back into work to cover for a few hours. Dad won’t be home until 11pm. Money is for pizza or chineese takeout, whichever you guys want. I called Jim’s Mom and he has permission to stay the night if he wants too. See you in a bit!


“Well pizza or takeout.” Greg asked.
“Takeout!” we both said.
After deciding what we wanted, Greg took off to get it.
“I’m still slick back there from the lotion.” Leon said.
“Me too” I said as we sat down on the living room couch.
“You want to go again?” he asks, taking his t-shirt off, leaving his towel, shoes, and socks on.
“If you think we have time.” I said, taking my shirt off and leaving the other things on just like Leon.
“Oh yes, plenty of time!” he says getting on his knees in front of me pulling my towel off and sucking my dick a few times.
I pull his towel off him and we go at it again.

After all these years we still get together sometimes and rekindle those memories even though we live in different states, but Leon and I hope to change that soon.

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