Where it happened: United Kingdom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
It was an event I cannot forget. It was at concord college at Shrewsbury, England. I was doing my finals when there was going to be a party for the college students. I know theres going o be many pretty girls especially english girls from another college.
At first I didn’t want to go because of lack of confidence and I wanted to study. When the party started, I was at my room most of the time. Finally when the party nearly ended, I just tried my luck and went down to find a girl. I was standing by the dancing room while keeping my mind positive when I saw these two girls dancing by themselves. They looked bored but I really like one of the girls. She was brunette and so pretty. Before they wanted to leave, I took the courage to ask her for a dance. I was relieve that shes interested and we slow danced. I hold her waist tight, but she was so shy. She finally responded when she felt my harden penis rubbing her skirt by holding my body tightly. We danced such a long time that I did not know what to do next. I finally asked if she wanted to go for a drink. She agreed and we sat at a corner of a room. I really wanted to kiss her but was so shy as I never kissed anyone before. I finally tried to ask her and what a surprise, she agreed. It was the best kiss ever and we kissed so hard I can’t breath. We also made french kissing that I cannot forget. Until then, we did not let go of ourself caressing and kissing all the way until she had to leave. Now my Amanda McCuntly has gone. If you are out there somewhere, please contact me at jimi_whocom