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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: On my Back
Langauge: Ohhhh Weeee Baby!
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was a moon lit night, after an nice warm spring day. We had been drinking warm cider at the local Park. I had just met this guy, and spent a hour touching his Dick.

He turned me on so much that I fet my love juices dripping down my legs. He started go get my tits out, and rubbed his dirty dick all over my face. It smelt of Asda cheese counter, after a long hot day.

Suddenly, he turned my over on my back, and put it up the wrongen! I never knew what fudge packing was, untill this moment, but had offten heard my friends talking about it!

After 20 or so minutes, he then put it in the righten, after which my legs were covered in red blood, and cum-poo.

This was fantastic, as me felt me like a queen!

Every year on the same day, you can still find me drinking warn cider in the park, just wishing for another fantastic night as the one back then.

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