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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: my bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

I had been with him for 1 month. He was incredibly sweet and was gorgeous. We were both virgins. He had the most incredible smile I had had ever seen. I thought he was the most incredible man that ever stepped on grass. My parents were out of town to visit family. We went and saw “The Haunting”. and then when it was over I invited him over to my house. When we got there there was the tour of the house which ended in my bedroom. I remember the moonlight coming through the window and bathing my bed in soft light. He put his jacket down on my dresser and came towards me. He placed his hands on my hips, looked me in the eyes and kissed me in a way that he had never kissed me before. It was the most passionate and hot kiss I had ever received. We stood kissing for a while, neither of us wanted to make the first move towards the bed. He finally began lightly pushing me towards the bed. He pushed till I was forced to sit down on the edge of the bed. He straddled me and began to unbutton my shirt. I tried to pull his shirt off but he stayed my hands. He was shy about showing his body. So I quietly submitted to his undressing me. Once I was naked from the waist up. he began to kiss my breasts. He cupped them and massaged. By this time I was delerious with pleasure. I barely noticed when he made me lay down. He awkwardly removed my pants and under wear. He tried to go down on me, I was almost terrified of the prospect. I had never had that done and was incredibly nervous about it. I didnt want him to do it, so to distract him I began to undo his pants. He let me. I unzipped his pants and touched his cock and he groaned.I kept on stroking. I remember the feeling “like satin over steel”.He finally got so aroused that he got off the bed and pulled out his wallet and found a condom. He returned to the bed and hurriedly began to put on the condom while kissing me. He was shaking and already sweating. When he had finally gotten the condom on he put his full attention on me again. He touched my pussy and put one finger in just a little way. Then he moved his hips into position with the tip of his cok against my pussy and his jeans around his knees. Then he looked me in the eyes with a look that asked “Are you sure?” I smiled and nodded, putting my arms around his neck. He thrusted, and missed. I guided him me with my hand and he entered about halfway and then kissed me. When the kiss was getting really passionate he thrusted hard. I remember the pain. Sharp, stabbing, and then suddenly over. He didnt move for a few seconds after the first thrust. He stayed motionless, still almost fully clothed over my naked body, he was quivering. I became frustrated and began to move my hips. He moaned a little and began pumping. I wrapped my legs around his back and, the best I could, began to move my hips against his thrusts. We went for a pretty long time. When it was over and he went to get off of me, I held him there. I could taste his sweat where it had dripped on my face. I could smell him. I could still feel his cock convulsing inside me, and it was the most wonderous thing I had ever felt. We went again 2 or 3 times that night,(I managed to get him naked) and in the morning we woke up with our legs intertwined and his head on my breast.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience