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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: his house
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Well it was on my 17th birthday. My boyfriend bought Alan Jackson tickets and we went to West Palm for the concert. The concert was ok. We got back to his place about 1 and his mom informed us tht she was going to bed.
Well we were out on his couch watching something, I can’t really rember when he started to kiss me. Then he proceeded to massage my boobs. After doing that for awhile we moved to the bedroom where he then striped me. After everything was stripped off eachother, we moved to the bed. He had to try like 5 times before he could enter me and man did it really hurt. I didn’t even really enjoy it.
Don’t ever let anyone tell you that it doesn’t hurt because it really does. Also always use protection because it will save you a lot of worries in the end. Believe me I know, I’ve already had 2 baby scares.
thanks JJ I will always love you!!!

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