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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: his bedroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

First of all, all these people who think they’re writing for Penthouse Forum need to learn that the truth is a lot sexier and more interesting than some adolescent masturbatory fantasy about 13-year old sluts giving blow jobs and 14-year-old boys with raging hardons fucking three times a night.
So here’s the truth: I was 16. He was 17. We were dating for about a month, and we had been doing a lot of making out. He wanted to fuck but I wasn’t ready. Finally I decided I was ready, or at least I would do it to satisfy him. He lived with his mom, and she was out for the evening, so we had the house to ourselves. I told him I was ready to go all the way, and he got all excited. It was his first time too. We didn’t even bother making out or doing any foreplay. He took off his clothes and I took off mine and then he got on top of me and put it inside. It didn’t hurt as much as I expected. And he came in about 5 seconds.
Was it fun? Sure, at the time. The best part was just being naked with him, I think.
I’ve had a lot more sex since then, with both guys and other girls (not at the same time!). Some of the experiences were better than the first one, but some of them weren’t. And I’ll never forget the first one.
To anyone who reads this and decides to submit their own story: Tell the truth, not some stupid fantasy. It’s a lot more fun to read!

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