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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: work
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 4
Category: Straight

Well I’m not sure if I clicked on the right symbol. But for the record, I’m female!
Anyhow I was at work with this cute well I thought so guy who happened to be my coworker. We were both kinda quiet cuz we rarely worked with each other and weren’t really familiar.
I don’t know what was up with my hormones but I wanted him real bad and I just wanted to do something exciting. So when we were closing up getting ready to go home I asked him if he wanted to do something fun.
He looked at me kinda funny and asked what. Feeling embarassed, I kinda backed out of it and said “I dunno, just thought it might be nice to do something.”
He grinned then “What did you have in mind?”
I wasn’t sure how to say it so I just kind of started walking toward the stores one-roomed washroom and looked to see if he’d follow. My heart almost leapt out of my chest when I saw that he was and I felt like I wanted to escape.
Standing inside the washroom now, I watched as he closed and locked the door. I smiled cuz I really wanted to fool around a bit but my whole body was trembling.
“We don’t have to do this” he said.
“Its ok,” I was scared out of my wits but I didn’t want him to know, “I’m just excited.”
He moved towards me and bent his neck I guess to kiss me but I flinched away. The feel of his breath against my skin was too intimate but I smiled so he knew I was still ok.
Instead of kissing me, he started stroking my breasts and I immediately got turned on. Suddenly I needed more of him…more like this and I told him so. He didn’t answer and I noticed his breathing was heavy. It made me feel wonderful
to know I was turning him on and feeling bolder, I took off my shirt. He moved fast and helped me take off my bra which kind of made me feel like backing out again.
But he told me I was beautiful and I decided if I was ever going to do it it would be with him.
He took off his shirt but I didn’t want to touch him cuz I was afraid I’d do something wrong so I just let him touch me.
We stopped awkwardly for a moment and laid down ont the floor. I could tell he was taking his pants off and I wanted to look real bad but it seemed too indecent so I looked at his chest instead not that bashful anymore 😉
Then he started taking off my pants (and underwear) together and I started gettin scared because he was so forceful and I didn’t think I could make him stop if I wanted to.
I just lay real still and tried not to worry but then I felt a sudden flash of pleasure as he touched me with what I wasn’t sure in a real sensitive area.
Then he started pushing slightly and it burned as my skin stretched around him. He was moving very slowly and the more he pushed the more I wanted him out of me. I could feel my thighs shaking and the pain was getting worse.
Suddenly I yelled for him to stop but he groaned and kept pushing. The pain seemed to esculate suddenly and then ebbed away. For a while I thought that was it because he just lay still.
Confused I started wondering why there was nothing but pain, I mean this was supposed to be good?
But then he started moving and something deep inside of me ignited. In a few seconds I was pulling him closer begging for more.
He was grunting like an animal and all I could think about was this crazed desire for more…more. And then everything just kind of started dying down. I lay there feeling myself spasm as the pleasure ebbed away. I remember wondering why
there was no climax but later I learned they are hard to achieve. He was still pumping though and I enjoyed hearing his frenzied moans as he pushed harder and harder. Then he gasped and pushed a few more times and it was over.
We put our clothes back on and left the store in utter silence.
I have never done it again but spend most of my time fantasising as the actual experience is too traumatising in my opinion.
Anyhow that was my first…and my last so far.

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