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Joel the best time every

Age when it happend: 10
Where it happened: at my boyfriends house
Langauge: enlish
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I was staying with my boyfriend in Austin for the whole summer of 94.
We had the whole house to our self.
He and I where sitting in our bed room he was on his stomach on our bed and I was laying on the bed beside him on my side.
He was only in short white underwear and white a t-shirt.
He looked at me and said honey put your hand on my butt cheeks the he started shaking his legs and the bed very fast then I patted his butt and he started shaking his legs and the bed faster then I message his butt.
he was shaking his legs so hard the bed was hitting the wall
Then I felt him start to pee on my hand!
be for he put on a clean pair of underwear I got on my back and he got on top of me and said open your mouth so he peeing in my mouth so I started drinking his pee.
be for he put on pair of underwear he put the wet pair of underwear on face so I smell his wet dirty/ stinky underwear
last he hump me

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience