Where it happened: interstate rest stop
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight
Late in the evening, I stopped at a rest area to take a piss. There were just a couple of cars at the time and when I went into the restroom, two guys were at each end of the five urinal row. i went to the middle and one guy left in a hurry. I’m uncut so I like to peel back my skin to piss and then give my cock a good shaking before I zip up. Well, that other guy was watching me and when I went to wash my hands he asked me what time it was. When I turned to look, he was standing back from the urinal and his cock was jutting straight out…it had to be twice my size. Just that quick, my head started buzzing and I looked right at that cock. I wanted to get out of there but I also wanted to stay. I just couldn’t help walking over to him. He was grinning caouse I could not take my eyes off that cock. Just then another guy walked in so I stepped up to a urinal and unzipped. The guy who came in was the guy who left earlier. “No one’s out there right now.” He mumbled and then pulled out his stiff cock. I could not resist and stepped back some so both guys could see my cock. The guy on my right reached over and squeezed me til I was hard. now my head was really spinning. I ended up holding two really big cocks while they took turns stroking me til I shot off a huge load of cum. I pulled the two guys together til their cocks were rubbing and used both my hands to get them both to cum. That was my first time playing with cock and it sure will not be my last…I love cock!