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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Whore House
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

My first time was in a whore house in San Juan, Puerto Rico in late 1978. I was a young sailor in the U.S. Coast Guard when the ship ship I was stationed on, the USCGC Gallatin, pulled into San Juan for a couple of days during a patrol to take on fuel and provisions and give the crew a little R&R. The crew was granted “liberty” to hit the town and I found myself tagging along with a small group of my shipmates.

This had been my first patrol, my first time at sea, and now my first liberty call away from our home port. I was anxious to do like all sailors do, get drunk and laid. Problem was I wasn’t much of a drinker and I’d never been laid. I had received a couple of blow jobs from a high school skank when I was a senior, but never had actually had my pecker inside a woman’s pussy. I was a bit on the shy side with women.

After leaving the ship we wandered into the older section of San Juan looking for a particular bar that one of the men wanted to visit. We soon found it and went inside. It was a real dive; dimly lit, a bar along one wall, and a few tables and chairs scattered around. There were some homely looking chicks lounging along one wall eying us as we bought some beers then took a seat at one of the tables.

Soon, an older woman came over to the table and said something to one of the guys. He replied with, “No. Nada” (no, nothing) meaning he had no money. She then turned to the next guy and said something, which I thought sounded like “Sucky-sucky; fucky-fucky?”, but he also replied “Nada”. When she got to me she said the same thing and I too said “Nada”. She then wandered away, looking disappointed, and another girl came up to take her turn at trying to get our money in exchange for some sucky-sucky, fucky-fucky. This one was a little younger and somewhat better looking, but still nothing you’d want to take home to meet mom. Same routine, “Sucky-Sucky; fucky-fucky”. “No. Nada”. This went on for a while, each girl coming to our table, one at a time, none of them very attractive, and each getting the same response.

I was about ready to suggest we finish our beers and leave in order to find a less seedy atmosphere when a fairly decent looking girl sat down next to me. She was the only blonde girl I’d seen all evening among a bevy of brunettes. She looked like she was my age, 19, or maybe even younger. Her face was fairly cute and mercifully not caked with makeup like the others. The worst you could say about here was she was a bit too skinny and her blonde hair was on the stringy side. But none of that mattered when, without saying a word, she reached under the table and grabbed my crotch. My dick rapidly began to grow inside my jeans.

“You have ten dollars?” she asked me. “Uh… yeah,” I said, “Sure!” “We go upstairs?” “O…O…OK,” I replied.

I was nervous but the beer was starting to kick in so I wasn’t afraid to follower her. My cock was screaming to be set free from its Levis prison. As we left the table my shipmates applauded me, “Way to go, dude!” “Knock the bottom out of that think!” “Fuck ‘er brains out!” “Bang that beaver!” We went up a creaky staircase and went into a room that had only a bare mattress on the floor. A sputtering candle gave off what little light there was.

“You have twenty dollars?” A little confused I said, “b…b… but I thought you said ten?” “No. I say twenty.” Hell, I didn’t care. I had forty on me and was way too horny to say no. I gave her the twenty and she told me to lie on the mattress. She pulled her flimsy dress off over her head, her tiny breasts were perky but she was really gaunt, her ribs showed a bit too prominently. Otherwise, she had a nice body. She unbuckled my belt, pulled my pants down, popped my dick into her mouth, and started sucking. I was super hard and damn near shot my load right away put managed to hold it back. She sucked for just a little while and then she rolled on her back next me and said, “OK, you fuck me now, por favor.” No condom, but hell, I was young and stupid and nobody knew about AIDS then.

Awkwardly, I rolled on top of her, she took hold of my cock and before I even realized it, she had guided it into her little snatch. At last, my cock was in a pussy for the first time! But I had no idea what to do. I started to pump slightly and then it happened… I was cumming. Damn! I hadn’t even been inside of her for more than a second it seemed. It was over in an instant. She said, “You have another twenty?” I shook me head. “No. Nada.” I was dazed, embarrassed and disappointed all at once. I didn’t look at her as she got dressed and led me downstairs. When we got to the table she sat next to a friend of mine and within seconds was leading him upstairs. I didn’t sit down. I said, “I’ll see you guys back at the ship” and I quickly left. I needed some air. I needed time to think. So that was fucking? Sheesh, what a let down!

The ship went back to sea, but several days later the shipmate that had gone upstairs after me took me aside and asked me if it burned when I peed. I told him no, but he said he was pissing razor blades. He went to the corpsman who gave him a shot and his problem cleared up. Every time I went to the bathroom I wondered when I’d start to feel the burn, but it never came. I somehow didn’t get the clap, probably because I was inside of her so briefly there wasn’t time to get infected.

And that’s it. That’s how I lost my virginity to a scrawny little blonde in a Puerto Rican whore house for twenty dollars and somehow avoided getting the clap.

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