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“John” – First One

Age when it happend: 23
Where it happened: massage parlor
Langauge: Eng
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

Wanted to write and share about what happened to me years ago involving my first job and my first “John”. I had quit school and married young. Of course, it ended up in divorce after a few years. There I was, uneducated and needing a job.

This was in the Southern US back in the 80s. Back then, many cities were ringed with these “massage parlors” just outside the city limits. I figured I was educated enough to get a job at one of them as they were there to sexually please men customers and I could sure handle this. I was 23 at the time, beautiful and had a very nice sexy body and I knew it.

The parlor owner waited for the right customer for me to take care of and on my first day on the job, this young man that was 18 years old showed up. He was very nervous so we knew this was his first time to visit a “massage parlor”. My boss lady knew he’d be perfect for me. Plus, I was starting out only going to do hand jobs.

I introduced myself to the young man as we went into the massage room. I instructed him to take off all his clothes and lay face down on the table. I left the room as he did this and I removed my robe. I was wearing a tiny bikini showing off lots of female flesh. I walked back in and the young man was laying there and actually blushed some as I looked at his nube body. He was looking up and down mine as he laid there. I went over and started with his back. Of course, it wasn’t much of a massage being I had no training at this. But, didn’t matter as long as I could massage him where it mattered and I could sure handle that.

I “worked” on his back side a while and then said the magic words he was waiting to hear since he came in. “Time to turn over”. He nervously turned himself over and was looking at my eyes as I looked at his ragging hard cock. He laid on his back and his cock was literally bouncing with excitment. I couldn’t help myself and I ask him if this was the first time he had ever done anything like this and he answered it was. I knew it by how he was acting. So, I slowly worked on his chest and then went down to his legs. I went back to his chest area and leaned over him telling asking him if he needed anything else. He said yes please. I was hitting him up for a tip which was my pay. He said he had $10 on him and I said OK. I then told him he could touch me if he wanted to. Did he ever. He could hardly wait to start feeling the inside of my thighs. I knew he wouldn’t last very long once I started on my special little massage so I did my best to let him enjoy it as long as I could. I started by just running my finger tips over his throbbing cock. After doing this awhile, I ask him if he was ready knowing he was dying to get off. He shook his head yes. I poured some oil on it and my hand and gently wrapped my hand around it and slowly startes stroking it. He was laying with his eyes closed in another world. It didn’t take anytime at all and he started making “Awww, Awww” sounds and I knew he was about to blow. And, did he ever! I’d never seen a cumshot like that before from any of my old boyfriends or my husband. Cum went clear over his head.

After this, I’ve seen hundreds of cumshots working there. Real gushers to old men just ozing there cum. I mainly just did handjobs while working there and only let just a hand ful of my regular customers do anything else with me and always with a condom. After a few years of this I ended up marrying one of my regular customers and we’ve been married ever since. And, he still enjoys a good handjob once in awhile. What man doesn’t?

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience