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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: A Summer Job
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Mr. Cochran, a good friend of my parents, was an executive at a sewing machine factory. At one of my parent’s cocktail parties, I asked Mr. Cochran if there were any summer jobs at his factory. He quickly wrote down the name of Linda Jackson and said for me to see her after I finished school. He told me he would tell her that I would show up and to put me to work for the summer. I was elated to find work so quickly.

I showed up at the factory as asked and found Ms. Jackson right off. She was a large, gruff woman and acted very much the supervisor. She asked if I had any machine experience and I replied that I did not. “Well”, she said, “Since you have no mechanical abilities, I think the best place for you is the cloth department. I’ll take you there and introduce you to Kitty and Doris. They run that department and you, being a good looking kid, will fit into their work well. Kitty was the boss there and Doris her helper. As Ms. Jackson told the girls, as she often referred to them, that I was their responsibilty this summer and to make sure I performed well, giving the girls a wink. If I were to get out of line, I was to be reported to her and I would lose my job. They agreed that they would be sure to take good care of me and not to worry.

The cloth department was quite secluded and the door to the machine shop was to be closed to prevent cloth fibers fron entering the machine room. There were bales of all sorts of cloth for testing the sewing machines, and upon call from each station in the machine testing room, we were to deliver a specified type of cloth.

Kitty looked me over and said to Doris that I was a fine specimum of a young lad and that they would have to test me. What they meant by testing me, I did not know what they meant. Kitty told me that the door to the machine room was to be kept closed unless we were to make a delivery. She said mornings were slow. She told me that they had a morning coffee break, an hour for lunch, and an afternoon break. I was to put my bag lunch in a locker assigned to me.

Kitty asked if she and Doris looked okay to me and did I approve of their figures. I told Kitty that both of them looked sexy, the wrong thing for me to say, for they both grinned and licked their lips as if they were about to devour me. Kitty sat on a bale of cloth and asked me to stand close to her. She took her blouse and bra off and told me my first assignment was to lick her breasts. Seeming dumb founded, but knowing I was to obey orders, I inded put her nipples in my mouth and my hands held her full and firm breasts. The smell of her skin and the taste of her hardening nipples made me have an erection. Doris noticed that I had a bulge in my pants. Kitty told me I was pretty good at what I was doing and asked me to do the same to Doris, which I did. They told me that licking their breasts was to be my morning job from then on.

At the noon lunch break, Kitty told me that they had a different job for me during lunch. Kitty said that since I knew their breats, it was time to show them what I had. Kitty told me to stand in between she and Doris, they both sitting on bales of cloth. Kitty undid my pants and dropped them to the floor, exposing my penis. “Well” she said. That cock of yours needs work.” She grasped my penis and began to stroke it. It soon hardened like a rock. “Well, Doris, do you think that piece of well hung meat will do us for the summer?” she asked. Doris replied, “Kitty, that cock should last if we take good care of it and put it to good use.” “Okay, I’ll start by putting it in my mouth and sucking it until he cums. Then you do the same, Doris. That’s the way to first treat it.”

Both those girls were very good cock suckers, I thought. When I had cum several times, They said that she and Doris were ready for me. Both Kitty and Doris dropped their pants and spread their legs, lying back on the bales of cloth. Kitty told me to put my cock into her pussy and give it to her hard and fast. The sensation drove me to pump as fast and hard as I could, eventually shooting more cum into her. She moaned and became very wet. “Doris, I have had my orgasm, now it is your turn.” Kitty directed. I did not know if I had the stength, but somehow I managed another orgasm in Doris. That turned out to be my noon time daily chore.

When the afternoon came around, Kitty told me she had another assignment for me. She said to finish off the day, I was to lick their pussies. My God, I thought, what a summer job this is going to be. And so my daily routine was set and somehow I performed my job admirably. I never did get to deliver cloth to the machine room and was kept in the cloth department to perform my duties.

When I would leave work at the end of the day, the girls in the machine room would smile at me, but they knew I was assigned to the cloth department and I was not to be touched by them. That was an order by Ms. Jackson, who knew what was going on with me. As the summer progressed, I got repeated raises in my pay checks.

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