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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: her apartment
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 2
Category: Straight

It was November 29, 1999. I had been in San Diego for about a month. I was in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Pendleton, and Tijauna was not too far away. A group of about four of us went to Mexico because the drinks were cheap and the party lasted well into the next morning. On this night however, my party was going to take me to Heather’s apartment. Heather was a girl who had been eyeballing me almost all night. After we danced for a while and had even more drinks, we decided that it was time to leave. San Diego is a pretty damn big place, and my base is at the northern end of the city. She lived, conveniently, just outside where I stayed in a little place called Oceanside. Small freakin’ world! Anyway, we got back to her place and proceeded to rid ourselves of all our clothes until we were just a couple of half drunken, fully nude kids laying on a bed making out. I was turned on all the way at this point and that’s when I felt compelled to go down on her. I couldn’t help myself. I love to do it and she just looked so damn good! *Aside* Men who say they don’t enjoy it, just don’t have the patience to get it right. Within a few minutes, she was squeezing my head with her legs and screaming at me to not stop. I was going nuts. After she returned the favor, she climbed on top of me and slid me inside of her. Shit. It felt the way I had always imagined it feeling…amazing! When it was all said and done, she fell asleep on her own floor because she knew how much something like sex meant to me[at the time]and she felt bad. The Marine Corps taught me some pretty good lessons but sex will remain one of the greats. Thanks Heather.

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