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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: lake house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 8
Category: Straight

I reckon most guys probably read these stories to beat off, so I must warn you mines not too erotic but it was fantastic at the time and is completely true in every way…

I was staying at my dads lake house with him (my parents are divorced) and my brother. both had their girlfriends over and both were really really hot. my dad must have been mesmerised by his girlfriend because he didn’t seem to mind that my brother and his girlfriend, although they had separate beds, were obviously sleeping in the same double bed in his room and were having sex each night. I was always the last to go to bed because the other two couples were obviously having sex every night when they went to bed “early” and I would jack off listening to them. In the mornings when we were all still in pyjamas I would have such a tough time keeping my dick down because we guys had always slept without shirts or underwear, just cotton shorts (although my brother wore long pyjama pants). Whenever one of the girls brushed past me I could hardly keep it down and I think my brother’s girlfriend noticed. my usually responsible and often strict dad must have really been smitten with his girlfriend because he seemed to find it totally fine to have my 15yo brother sleep without a shirt in the same room as his 16yo girlfriend who wore a tight tank top and panties as “pyjamas”. My brother didn’t seem to have this trouble of hardons at inconvenient times but then he could exercise it anytime he wanted to.

Anyway, one day we took the boat out on the lake, the two girlfriends in pretty hot bikinis, even though we never swam off the boat (likewise us guys always had our shirts off on the boat but didn’t even wear swim shorts). My dad let my brother drive it and coming into the dock… he crashed it. The owner of the other boat was a little way up the bank and he’d seen it and was really pissed off. I’d already said I was hot and thirsty and my dad didn’t want my brothers gf to see the argument so he told her and me to go back to the house and wait till they came and that they could be quite a while sorting it all out. so I was heading back alone with my brothers hot and bikini clad gf on our own… an enviable coincidence.

my brothers gf and I (by the way her name was Samantha) got something to drink and sat down in the living room. I could hardly take my eyes off her and she noticed. we started talking and were getting on really well when she said that she had to go to the toilet. when she came back she had clearly pulled her bikini panties up at the sides so that it was more like a thong and had adjusted her top so that her breasts were more shown off. she sat down really close next to me and immediately my pecker started to rise. She said she’d noticed that I was getting an eyefull but no real relief and that it just looked cruel (she had a funny sense of ethics, but I wasn’t complaining). we made out, pretty full on, which I’d done with my own gf before. but the next part was completely new to me. she worked her way down my neck and chest and when she got to my groin started taking my shorts and boxers off. with all this attention I was pretty hard, but not full size. she quickly fixed this by taking her bikini off and I stood at full attention. Samantha then gave me a full on blowjob for about twenty minutes. she didn’t swallow the whole time and after a while spat it into some tissues. she said it wouldn’t be right for her to go all the way with me but I didn’t care, I’d just had the best twenty minutes of my life. we quickly cleaned up and had a full half hour to spare before the others got home.

That was my first bj. my first full time was oddly enough connected to Samantha again. I was 15 and at a party when I met her and she very kindly introduced me to a younger friend, gemma. Gemma and I got talking and talked for what must have been one and a half hours. as people started to leave she moved closer to me and eventually we were making out, pretty full on. We both wanted to undress so eventually we got up and looked for a bedroom. We took our tops off and then I took off her jeans and she took off mine. for a while she massaged me though my boxers and she was really experienced. finally she pulled them down and I was already feelin like I would explode, but she gave me brilliant head that although was 10 minutes long only made me cum at the very end. finally (again finally, this 16yo girl was so experienced) I lay on the bed and she straddled me. she put her hands on my chest to balance and rode me for what must have been about 40 minutes, in which time we both had plenty of orgasms. We changed positions so I was on top and did it again for a comparatively short 20 minutes. She realised she was expected home so she got dressed, we had a quick kiss and she rushed off. After she’d been gone only a few minutes and I’d only put on my boxers who should show up but Samantha. it was her house and in fact her bedroom and she’d come upstairs to go to bed about half an hour ago, heard us, and didn’t want to interupt (again those manners of hers). Only problem was, now she was feeling hot from listening to Gemma and me and asked if I’d fix her as a favour, like she’d done for me two years ago. although what I’d just had with gemma had been really special who could refuse sex with an 18yo who looked like a porn star and who I’d been fantasising about… off came the boxers. she gave me head, not as wonderful as I’d remembered her now that I’d been with Gemma, but it still got me up in no time. she said she was so turned on because I looked so much like my brother (theyd broken up not long after our trip to the lake house) and my pecker was exactly the size of my brothers when he was 15 although she said that I was a better shape. this was making me pretty hot thinking about her and my brother doing it at our family lake house, so the sex was pretty good. but even though she was fairly experienced and even though I had such a hot girl wrapping her legs around me and digging her nails into my back and screaming to go harder she wasn’t as good as gemma. I slept with her the whole night and in the morning we did it again, but still I thought of gemma.

the next day I told my brother of my sexual exploits of the night before and then of what Samantha had done to me when they were gf and bf at the lakehouse. he was really surprised but also seemed impressed. we agreed that that Samantha, despite her “manners” was a real slut.

oh and gemma’s now my gf and she’s been sitting next to me while I’ve been writing this so it’s taken a good two hours with all the brilliant head I’ve been having. I had a great first time, the bj and the full on sex, and this is a completely true story. gemma and I have a great relationship and have sex at every chance.

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