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Age when it happend: 13
Where it happened: my house
Langauge: English
Sex: Male
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

Let me tell you about my first time. I was in the 8th grade, and my girlfriend and I had been dating for probably about umm… 1 year. We had been friends for a long time before that and we had decided to get serious. Anyways, it was a weekend, so she came over to my house to help me work on a project. My parents were on vacation, so we were left alone. We worked on it for a long time, but we finally finished around midnight. We then layed down in my bed next to each other because we were sooo tired. After a few minutes of laying there in the darkness, I found that her chest was moving up and down rapidly. I turned on my lights and found that she had pulled her pants down and was massaging her pussy. I reached my hand down there and helped her. She came within 2 minutes. Then she asked me to fuck her. I pulled down my pants and began thrusting myself into her cunt. I came after a while, and since she hadn’t had her first period yet, there was no chaance of gettinng her pregnant. That was awesome!

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