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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: bathroom
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

One night me and some of my best friends where bord. We decided to go to my parents pool and skinny dip (with my parents home.) We snuck into my room and made cranberry vodka cocktails and drank them by the pool. The alcohol and the nakedness combined made for a deadly combination. My best girlfriend Jenn and my best guy friend Jordon decided to take a shower. I went in with them and they started making out. I wanted a peice of the action and despite my virginity I told them to have sex. After they went a few times, he sat on the toilet and I got on top and experienced my first intercourse. We stopped because we didn’t have protection, but he and I both lost our virginity that night in a threesome with myself and my two best friends, Jenn and Jordon. Jenn and Jordon started dating shortly after and are still together today almost 4 years later. I heard about this website when I went to New York City and saw the play called “My First Time.” From what I gathered from the show everyones first time was awful. I had a great experiance. My cherry popped in a childhood bike wreck, so I didnt experiance any pain. I joke with Jen and Jordon all the time, telling them they should thank me for their relationship since I initiated their “first time.”

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience