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Josh and me a night to FUCK!

Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: My bacement
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

It was the first time I had a guy over to my house and my parents were gone for the week (they go on trips) Well Me and Josh desided to watch movies downstairs. As we walked down he kept saying that he loved me and wanted to be with me for ever. As I put the movie in Josh had sat down on the coutch. When I turned around I had looked at his boner. I sat down on his lap to kiss him but he picked me up and took me into the second room of the bacement. There was a spair bed that my grams hade given to my family before she had passed away. He layed me onto the bed and ripped his shirt off. His tan body and great shape made me want him more than ever. He reached into my pants and pulled on my thong until it broke. He slowly pulled it out with one hand and kept his other on my clit. I screamed out FUCK ME! So loud that he blew in his pants. My clothes were off by then but his pants were still on. I started to kiss him all over his body. When I made it down to his pants I unzipped them and pulled off his boxers. He layed down and I looked at his erect dick. It was almost 9in. long. I started to lick it up and down untill he started to pre cum. I put his dick into my mouth and sucked on it hard. He blew inmy mouth and I swallowed it. After five minuites I got onto his pogo stick and rode him. I moned so loud that he blew into me and that night I became his. My parents found out that we had fucked and they kicked me out of the house. Luckly I had good grades and I grauated with the seniors that year and me and Josh left for a new country. England. We still live together and we plan to get married but me still fuck and It’s GREAT!!

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