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Age when it happend: 14
Where it happened: His house.
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

We were texting on Friday how I should come over, and how things are gonna go down.. I guess we’re all just wanting to have fun at a young age. I was in love with this guy in 7th grade. I absolutely adored him, donMy get me wrong here he was perfection. Well, he became so unsure if I should come over or not.. but we got tired and ended up going to bed, then I woke up, took a shower and got ready to see him. My mum’s boyfriend dropped her off at work first, at the time we were texting, then i got dropped off.. He opened the door and hand signed to be quiet.. So I tippy toed and took my shoes off, went upstairs with him and straight to his room. Spy kids was on, and he laid down while I awkwardly sat at the edge of the bed.. He told me not to be so awkward and I could lay down, I did for a while.. I got uncomfortable in my shorts so I changed into my pajama shorts I brung along, we laid there for a while.. We cuddled, he would always look at me and when I looked back he smiled.. then, something I thought would never happen.. He kissed me. I was happy.. We watched Harry Potter, and then.. He got his hands into my pants and started to rub me.. It felt pretty good, and I wanted to moan but I covered my mouth with his blanket. Afterwards, he said ” want to do it? ” i said yes of course, he asked, ” want me to be on top? ” ( what I heard ). And I got off and took off my pants and kept my shirt on, I got back on, and he said ” you can do anything.. ” and it was just awkward, and I just said I’m waiting for you.. And laid back down pantsless.. He said ” i thought you wanted to be on top? ” i looked at him crazy.. When he pulled his pants down I giggled a bit, he pulled his pants back up and I felt so bad.. but he ended up tellin me to scoot in the middle and i did, he got on top pulled his pants back down and.. He tried to put it in but he was like ” hold on I gotta get hard first ” which was awkward.. And then he finally got hard it took a while to get it in me.. It hurt going in .. He told me to relax, and I tried to but it just hurt so bad! He finally broke it and told us to do it in a different position, and we did.. And it hurt but started to feel better he got faster, and it felt good.. He had to climax somewhere else since we didn’t have a condom.. And then we did it some more.. Then we finally got done and there was some blood on his white shirt.. I went across the hall to the restroom to go pee so I wouldn’t get an infection and after i just went back to his room to watch the movie playing and he played his game and his sister’s bf knocked on the door and he said “sup?” he came in and said they made him a blueberry muffin biscuit and it just got awkward… After a few hours his sister and them left to the movies and then me & him watching the hot chick since he hasn’t watched that and he cuddled with me and he would kiss me, and we’d make out.. And he rubbed me again, made out and he asked if i wanted to again and i said yes.. It felt better this time and .. Now today.. We haven’t talked.. He’s found someone new, but i’m glad it was someone i loved.. 🙂

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