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Judy’s Kissing Cousin

Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: Uncles Farm
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I had barely turned 15 when I first had sex. I was visiting my uncle and aunt on their farm. My cousin Jimmy was 19 and I had always had a silly crush on him even though we were cousins. One afternoon Jimmy and I were in the barn and ended up in the loft horsing around. We were wrestling in the hay and he ended up between my legs and I could feel his penis hard as a rock against me. I guess I unknowingly pushed against him and he pushed back. We smiled at each other then he leaned down and kissed me on the mouth. before I knew it we were kissing passionately and the pushing against each other got harder and harder. Then he rolled off me and put his hand between my legs and started rubbing me on the outside of my jeans as we still were kissing. The more we played the more excited I got and when he unbutoned my jeans, ran his hand down insidemy panties and started fingering me. He asked me how far I had gone with anyone and I told him I had never done anything like we were doing before. Then he asked me if I wanted to dO “it”. All along he continued to finger me and I told him I didn’t think we should and reminded him we were cousins. Then he asked to just let him show me what it felt like and we could stop. By that time I really wanted to go further with him so I said Ok if he would stop when I asked him to and he agreed. He stood up and pulled my jeans and panties off then dropped his jeans and got between my legs. He pushed against me and easily got all the way in. As soon as he did he wanted to know what I thought. I told him it was good but we really needed to stop. He said “You really don’t want to stop.” I told him I didn’t want to but we had to and he wanted to know why. I said “What if I’d get pregnant?” All along he had continued to work it and I started to tell him to pull out but before I could I felt him cumming. I just let out with “oh my god” and got it rythum with him until he had completed the deed. As soon as I knew he was through I asked him what we weregoing to do if I got pregnant. He just laughed and said “You’re not gonna get pregnant”. I told him I hoped not and we got dressed and that was it. When my period was due I didn’t have a sign one that it was coming but hoped I was just late. After a couple of weeks I called him and told him I was pretty sure I was in fact pregnant and he freaked. He said I couldn’t tell anyone that I had gotten pregnant by him or we would both be in trouble. I told my parents that I had met a guy and a party I had gone to and that he was the one that I had gotten pregnant by. They arranged for me to have an abortion and our secret never got out.

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