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just another girl

Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: his house
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

So let’s see… I was in my first real relationship with a guy and he was definitely not the one for me so I started perusing the internet. Back in the good old days of Yahoo, you used to be able to find all kinds of rooms for pervs, not so anymore. Anyways, just for shits and giggles, I went looking to talk to an older guy. Little did I know that I would ending talking to a man that was more than twice my age. Man did we getting into heated debates over nothing, but he could always make me laugh.
Anyways, after several nights talking online way past our bedtimes, we decided to go out. He took me on a date to a baseball game on our first date. The second date was a little more casual, simple a movie at his house. Quickly that turned into much more. His hands were on my crotch faster than I could realize that he was kissing me. He knew what he was doing (one of the many perks of dating an older guy). I was totally nervous, but I totally wanted it. I wanted him to dominate me.
The actual event itself was the strangest, coolest things I’ve ever felt. You have no idea how it’s gonna feel until it happens and then it’s kinda how you would have imagined it if you could. He was super gentle and super sweet and fuck if he didn’t know how to make a girl just want to cum all over the place. But I knew from that day on I would be cursed.
See my advice to anyone that is a virgin is to stay one until you know you can get it constantly. Because the second I got laid for the first time, I was addicted. My pussy tingled at the sound of his voice and just by thinking about him at work.
Unfortunately other circumstances led to the separating of our lives, but I’ll always remember my first time as a defining moment. Once you’ve had someone that really knows what they are doing…. you will never want a boy again.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience