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Age when it happend: 17
Where it happened: His car
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I met Justin in 7th grade and we hit it off amazingly… which in 7th grade terms means we went out for a month and then broke up.. but we still talked… in 8th grade we had a class together and started talking again and talked all summer. then we starte high school. at this point Justin and i hadnt even kissed besides a few pecks here and there. so freshman year we started dating on and off. it was that year at a soccer game that we finally kissed for the first time. we continued to date on and off all though sophmore year and eventually started fooling around, but never going all the way. then on March 3 (its crazy that i still remember the EXACT date)of our junior year, we went out to drive around aimlessly which was our favorite thing to do, and we ended up in a parking lot fooling around. he was on top of me and we were making out and then he looked at me and i nodded yes and that was our first time.. it hurt but the fact that i was with him made me completely ignorant of the pain. i felt like i was floating on a cloud. we’re freshmen in college now and arent really together anymore, but we cant let each other go either. we still talk on a regular basis and when i go home from school we always end up together.

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