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Age when it happend: 19
Where it happened: Motel
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 7
Category: Straight

My fiance Shawn was in the Navy. We had been dating six months
when orders came transfering him to San Diego. When Shawn suggested we
and come with him I agreed and we got married like almost immediately
before leaving. Our honeymoon would be our trip driving
across the country.
We would be spending each night in a motel. That first night we did it. My eyes
were closed. I felt the warmth of Shawns body as he lay on top of me as we kissed
hot and sexy. I reqached down and placed the head of his hard penis between my
vaginal lips and then felt him begin to penetrate my vaginal depths and slowly emter
me. I kept my eyes closed concentrating on the feeling of his penis entering
me. Slowly feeling his cock penetrate deeper and deeper. I wanted to remember
because first times only come once. Shawn was trying to be gently but the pressure of
his penis which is large made me gasp with pain several times
and then he was fully in me and began to fuck me, slowly at first and then faster
and faster as the sensations of my orgasms swept through my body suddenly he
gasped and pushed deep into me and I sensed that he was cumming. When
Shawn pulled out it was obvious that he had done more than cum because the condom
was busted and rolled up around the base of his cock. We guessed the condom had
busted because I was so tite so the next night we used more vasaline but
it made no difference and the condom busted again. After that we just
gave up on protection and let our love happen.
I guess we went kind of crazy after waiting so long to love so its no suprise
that we had intercourse two or three times each night and sometimes
stopped etra early for even more love.
We have been in San Diego over a month now, long enough for us to know
that I am pregnant with our baby due in August so its a good thing we
got married.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience