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Age when it happend: 15
Where it happened: On a Cruise
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 10
Category: Straight

My first time was very exciting and satifying even thought it ended up very bad. My parents planned a cruise for the family and they let me take my best friend with us. Before we left the two of us discussed the fact that we were both virgins and thought it would be fun to lose it on the cruise if we met some interesting guys. Once on the cruise we met these two guys who were in there early twenties and started hanging out with them and decided they were the ones we wanted to do it with. My parents watched us like hawks because of the age difference but we finally were able to get away by telling them we were going to an movie on the ship. Instead we went to their room. They had no clue we were going to let them have it and they took their time getting us in the mood by some heavy petting. When they made their moves we told them we had never done anything and they really started trying to convience us to do it not knowing we were totally in agreement. We asked them if they had protection and both told us yes and we said ok to them. My friend and her guy took the top bunk and before we could get in bed I could hear her moaning and the bunks shaking. Me and my guy got under the covers and he started more foreplay. As soon as he knew he had me more than ready he reached over got the condom took it out of the package and went down to his penis. When he was ready he rolled over between my legs and very slowly began going inside me. The feeling was so intense that I had an immediate orgasm and i heard my friend laugh as i let out with a big “ohhhhh” of pleasure. It didn’t take long for him to get off and I could feel him throbbing inside me and i let out another sigh of pleasure. He continued to shove himself deep inside me until I went completely limp from excitement. He gave me a long passionate kiss then said “good luck”. When I asked what he meant he laughed pulled out and told me he had not used the condom. I could feel him running down my thigh and I freaked and screamed. My friend and her guy asked what was wrong and I told them he had not used a condom. Both of them told him he had done a dirty trick but that didn’t help my situation at all. I ran to their bathroom and my friend and I cleaned me up as best possible. I had to live with that the rest of the cruise. I had just had my period so I had two more weeks after getting home to live with it. Then I didn’t start and after a week I took a pregnancy test and it confirmed my worst fears. He had indeed gotten me pregnant. My parents wanted to charge him with rape but i told them what my friend and i had planned and they backed off that since I was a willing partner in the act. They also arranged for an abortion for me whioh I hated to do but had to under the circumstances.

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience