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Age when it happend: 16
Where it happened: in my basement
Langauge: english
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

my first time was in my dads basement one night when my parents went to the next state and my sister was at work
we layed there in my basement not knowing wat was going to happen the weekend he came back from college i admit i was in love with him i would do anything for him anything he ask me i would do it.The previous night before i actually lost it,it would have been in his car,in the back of a schools parking lot at nite during a school vacation
we were in th back seat staring at each other he leaned on me and grab me close to him i was laying on his chest staring up at him and i kissed him him on his lip and he look at me he told me come on stop being scared cause he could feel i was getting exicted i kissed him and we switch positions so my back can be on the seat but i had promise him anal sex to avoid losing my virginaty but anal sex hurt more then vaginal sex so i stopped him and didnt wanna go on we got dress layed in the back seat for awhile, then a hour later he dropped me home and i ran to my bed and layed and thought it over carefully and the next day my parents went away , my sister was at wrk i called him over and i walked him into my house where we layed on the couch and watch a movie a min later he said did i wanna go for another try i flip thru the chanels nerveously and stopped on a particular song meagan rochelle floating i looked at him and nod my head and he leaned in kiss me instead of the couch i sat on the floor and he crawled over to me and took off my top and loosen the tie on my sweats and pulled dem slowly down my thick thights he burried his head in one of my 38 c cup breast and my eyes rolled back and his hands playing between my legs, with my feet i pulled his pants down and he gives me another look to make sure i was sure and pulled out the life style condom and rolled it on i layed there with my legs closed for a momment then he went in for the action slowly it was kinda hard at first and hurtful pain i never felt before,i moaned in pain and was fighting him back he told me kaspa gurl dont fight me now i stayed calm and in a min he was in and stroking me in and out in and out over and over again i layed there feelin passion and singing Neyos song Mirror and wats funny about that i relized we were on the basement floor in front of the mirror doors that i had both songs played at the rite time
never thought i would have an anthem for my first time
and more love for him then i ever felt before we got dress and sat on my couch and i layed in his arms and i wanna to tell him i love him witch i did, but unfortunatly fo me the first person that makes you happy and feel at 1 and in love is that very same perone that will destroy you and feel like nuthyn a year i spent talking to him and i finally felt love for him never in my life have i felt trust for a guy like i did for my first but he killed my spirit and soul and i am hopping it gets renewed
but karma came to him he may not relized it but it already happened love you still nuthyn can replaces what i feel
i have no regrets what so ever cause im living the life

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