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Age when it happend: 18
Where it happened: On my grade school principal's front lawn (& the principal is a NUN)
Langauge: English
Sex: Female
Rating: 5
Category: Straight

I live in Queens, NY (Whitestone actually) and I went to Catholic school my entire life. My grade school, St. Luke’s School (K-8), principal was a nun by the name of Sister Peggy. She lived a few blocks away from me, which is how I knew which house was hers.

Anyway, right after I graduated High School (where I had a DIFFERENT nun as a teacher) I was hanging out in our local watering hole – an Irish Pub where a LOT of straight off the boat irishmen hang out. I was trashed (yes, I guess I was ‘underage’ because the drinking age is technically 21 and I was only 18, but at least I was out of high school!), and one of the Paddy’s (a guy I had known for years and have NEVER been attracted to – he is actually the kind of guy you say “Yuck!” to yourself when you think about him) tells me that he’ll walk me home (for MY safety, of course).

I admit to being bombed and I don’t remember much. I do know that I kind of ‘came to’ and I was with the Paddy on Sister Peggy’s front lawn with my pants down and the Paddy inside of me! When I realized what was happening I pushed him off of me, got up, and walked the 2 blocks home. It was about 5 a.m. and the sun was just coming up. Thankfully, nobody was awake in my house yet. I went home, went to my room and passed out there.

When I woke up that afternoon, I was VERY hungover and had either mud or dried blood on me. It took me a while to remember what I had done (& where I had done it!). Needless to say, I didn’t learn a lesson. I actually started to drink MORE because I was desperate to forget that experience, and since I had already had my ‘first time’ I actually became an even EASIER drunk for a while.

Thankfully, I am now calmed WAY down and I no longer go to Irish watering holes to drink. I am now in a long-term relationship (not with a Paddy) and I have a beautiful 2 year old son, who I hope to teach NOT to take a girl’s virginity in front of a nun’s house at 5 in the morning.

Thank you for letting me share. And, I SWEAR to you that this story is true and if you need to contact me to confirm it, you can feel free to. Most of my friends know this story, but NOBODY knows the guy (to be honest, he was so drunk I doubt that the GUY even knows that he was my first!)

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  • 0 - very bad experience 10 - very great experience